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Welcome to Game Theory
Welcome to the world of Unity XR! This specialization includes three courses which will explain the technologies that make XR possible, describe the unique UX concerns around developing for XR, and walk you through developing VR and AR apps for mobile devices. You will learn how Unity supports the many components of a VR app, including tracking, teleporting, interacting with virtual objects, positional audio, and much more. You'll also see how Unity's AR Foundation supports building handheld AR apps. XR is a field that is constantly evolving, and we'll show you what's on the horizon for VR and
Created by: Michihiro Kandori
Quality Score
Overall Score : 94 / 100
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- 4.7 Rating
109 Reviews
Michihiro Kandori
Michihiro Kandori received his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University in 1989. He worked as an Assistant Professor at The University of Pennsylvania from 1989 and at Princeton University from 1990, before he joined the Faculty of Economics at The University of Tokyo in 1992. Currently, he is University Professor at the University of Tokyo. Professor Kandori is a Fellow of the Econometric Society and the Game Theory Society. His seminal papers about social norms (1992) and evolutionary game theory (1993) together have received more than 4,000 citations to date, according to Google Scholar.