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Quality Score

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Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage

Overall Score : 82 / 100

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Course Description

This course trains you in the skills needed to program specific orientation and achieve precise aiming goals for spacecraft moving through three dimensional space. First, we cover stability definitions of nonlinear dynamical systems, covering the difference between local and global stability. We then analyze and apply Lyapunov's Direct Method to prove these stability properties, and develop a nonlinear 3-axis attitude pointing control law using Lyapunov theory. Finally, we look at alternate feedback control laws and closed loop dynamics. After this course, you will be able to...* Differentiate between a range of nonlinear stability concepts* Apply Lyapunov's direct method to argue stability and convergence on a range of dynamical systems* Develop rate and attitude error measures for a 3-axis attitude control using Lyapunov theory* Analyze rigid body control convergence with unmodeled torque

Instructor Details

Hanspeter Schaub

Hanspeter Schaub is the Glenn L. Murphy Chair of Engineering and Professor in Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder and is the current graduate chair of the aerospace engineering sciences department. He has nearly 20 years of research experience, of which four years are at Sandia National Laboratories. His research interests are in nonlinear dynamics and control, astrodynamics, relative motion dynamics, and relative motion sensing. This has led to approximately 122 journal and 187 conference publications, and a 3rd edition textbook on analytical mechanics of space systems. In the last decade, he has developed the emerging field of charged astrodynamics. Schaub has been the ADCS lead in the CICERO mission and the ADCS algorithm lead on a Mars Mission. He has been awarded the H. Joseph Smead Fellowship, the Provosts Faculty Achievement Award, the Faculty Assembly Award for excellence in teaching, as well as the Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award.



7 total reviews

5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star
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By Richard H on 4-Feb-18

Excellent teaching from Professor Schaub ! Course has been very well organised and touches on the important aspects of nonlinear control. Looking forward to more courses from you.Thank you !

By Anna C on 8-Jun-17

Congratulations!!! An excellent well structured and advanced high level course. Themes like as General stability, Nonlinear stability, Langradge stability, Lyapunov stability, Asymptotic stability, Neighborhood are defined. Concept such as Lyapunov Stability Theory, Lyapunov functions, general elemental velocity Lyapunov function, Lyapunov attitude control properties, control theory, integral feedback, feedback gain, feedback control laws are analyzed, and compose over all the course "Control of Nonlinear Spacecraft Attitude Motion.

By Manojkumar P on 5-Jan-18

Thank prof. Schaub for very high quality course. By passing this course, I better understand kind of stabilities. This course provides basis technic for defining nonlinear control law base on Lyapunov function. This course also introduces some practical aspects such as: non linear integrator for dealing with dynamics uncertainty, gain tuning and how to dealing with actuator saturation.

By Sean C on 18-Feb-18

works for me.

By Robert P on 30-May-19

Excellent course! Enjoyed it a lot. Learnt a lot as well. Thank you.

By Suparkorn S on 30-Oct-19

The course content is good and the quizzes are relevant. I really learned a lot from this course.However the numerical quizzes requiring simulation are often badly explained, and many times, small details that are not mentioned in the course material will result in a wrong answer. In some questions, the right answer is outright wrong given the information in the question.The course relies a lot on the discussion forum in these cases, however the teaching assistance is non-existant and the low number of active students enrolled simultaneously makes its usefulness limited for debugging.For the sake of its contents, I really recommend this course, however the quizzes require some major rework for an entirely satisfactory learning experience.

By alain j j e on 30-Jan-19

Interesting course but the way the course is supported and course work is being assessed needs major reconsideration.