25 Best + Free JavaScript Courses & Certificates [2021]
- 1. HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers [Coursera] - Best Course Overall
- 2. JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners by The Net Ninja [YouTube] - Best YouTube Tutorial
- 3. Interactivity with JavaScript [Coursera] - Best Short Course
- 4. The Modern JavaScript Tutorial [javascript.info] - Best Text Based Tutorial
- 5. JavaScript30 - 30 Day Vanilla JS Coding Challenge [Javacript30]
- 6. Web Development 101 [TheOdinProject] - Reddit's Choice
- 7. Introduction to JavaScript [freeCodeCamp]
- 8. Getting Started with JavaScript, v2 [Frontend Masters]
- 9. JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts [Udemy]
- 10. Code! Programming with p5.js for Beginners [YouTube]
We've compiled more than 12,000+ student reviews across 150+ of the web's top JavaScript courses, tutorials in search of the best way to learn JavaScript in 2020. The awards below, like Best Course Overall, Best YouTube Tutorial, are based on the results of the 2020 Students' Choice Awards.
💻 Which JavaScript Course Provider is best for me?
- Udemy and Eduonix are best for practical, low cost and high quality JavaScript courses.
- Coursera, Udacity and EdX are the best providers for a JavaScript certificate, as many come from top Ivy League Universities.
- YouTube is best for free JavaScript crash courses.
- PluralSight, SkillShare and LinkedIn are the best monthly subscription platforms if you want to take multiple JavaScript courses.
- Independent Providers for JavaScript courses & certificates are generally hit or miss.
💼 What is JavaScript used for?
The most obvious reason for learning JavaScript is if you have hopes of becoming a web developer. Even if you haven't got your heart set on a tech career, being proficient in JavaScript will enable you to build websites from scratch—a pretty useful skill to have in today's job market!
📃 Is a JavaScript Certificate worth it?
Yes and No. Certified JavaScript developers on average make more money. Having a JavaScript certificate greatly increases the chance of landing an interview and can open otherwise closed doors. Coursera, Udacity and EdX offer excellent certificate options for impressing your future employers. Eduonix, Udemy and several other providers offer certificates, but they aren't as reputable. If you have a Computer Science Degree, certificates are not as important. Still, many employers won't care about certificates, but rather your interview skills, experience and/or skills assessment.
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602 Filtered Courses
The Complete JavaScript Course 2022: From Zero to Expert! (2022)
Learn while doing - in this best-selling course, you'll build 3 real world JavaScript applications using Ajax and Webpack. With super in-depth explanations, this course teaches the why of JavaScript and not just the how.
What You'll Learn
- Go from a total beginner to an advanced JavaScript developer
- Code 3 beautiful real-world apps with both ES5 and ES6+ (no boring toy apps here)
- JavaScript and programming fundamentals: variables, boolean logic, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, etc.
- Complex features like the 'this' keyword, function constructors, prototypal inheritance, first-class functions, closures
- Asynchronous JavaScript: The event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX and APIs
- Modern JavaScript for 2021: NPM, Webpack, Babel and ES6 modules
- A true understanding of how JavaScript works behind the scenes
- What's new in ES6: arrow functions, classes, default and rest parameters, etc.
- Practice your new skills with coding challenges (solutions included)
- Organize and structure your code using JavaScript patterns like modules
- Get friendly and fast support in the course Q&A
- Downloadable lectures, code and design assets for all pr
Best Course Overall
1 )
HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers
Learn front-end web development for free from one of the most prestigious universities in the world. In this comprehensive 13.5 hour course, you'll learn how to build modern web pages from the ground up. The paid version of this course includes a certificate.


- Course offered by a prestigious university with an engaging and knowledgeable instructor.
- Utilizes interactive assignments and a real world approach in teaching by having you build an actual website.
- Teaches a combination of web development technologies; provides a well-rounded introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Teaches old version of Bootstrap.
- Occasionally uses complex concepts that are difficult to comprehend for beginners.
- Some learners may find the fast pacing overwhelming.
Best YouTube Tutorial
2 )
JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners by The Net Ninja (2015)
This tutorial features 5 hours of concise video instruction on JavaScript fundamentals. Learn the basics fast so you can get on to writing your own scripts as quickly as possible.


- Instructor is very thorough and methodical in covering each concept.
- The tutorial is broken down into easily digestible 5-10 minute clips.
- His upbeat and enthusiastic demeanor keeps it feeliing light and fun.
- At just 4.5 hours, this tutorial serves as a quick crash course into the world of JavaScript.
- Talks fast; non native English speakers may have trouble keeping up.
- No exercises or assignments in the course to reinforce the concepts being learned.
Best Short Course
3 )
Interactivity with JavaScript
This certification course by the University of Michigan teaches the fundamentals of JavaScript and is intended for an audience that already knows HTML & CSS. At just 3.5 hours of video content, it provides a basic understanding of the language with a minimial investment of your time required.


- Concise introductory course perfect for complete beginners.
- Fun and useful quizzes and peer-reviewed assignments that encourage interactivity.
- Instructor uses a problem-solving oriented approach great for facilitating deep-learning.
- Lacking in content, further reading and practicing beyond this course are necessary to get a solid grasp of JS fundamentals.
- Very few practical assignments.
Best Text Based Tutorial
4 )
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial (2011)
A community driven text-based JavaScript tutorial. Constantly updated and written in plain English. Very useful if you prefer to learn a language by reading rather than watching video.
Quality Score
Content Quality
Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage
Overall Score : 100 / 100
5 )
JavaScript30 - 30 Day Vanilla JS Coding Challenge (2016)
byWes Bos
Build 30 applications in JavaScript using pure JS with no frameworks or libraries. Get practical hands-on experience creating projects. Ideal for learners that already understand Javascript fundamentals.


- Taught by the legendary Wes Bos - one of the most well-known names in the JavaScript world.
- Get hands-on experience building real world apps like autocomplete search functionality and an HTML5 player.
- 100% pure vanilla JavaScript - no frameworks, libraries, or any other type of abstraction.
- Not for beginners.
- Very little time explaining how the code works for each exercise.
- 30 completely seperate projects will be daunting and intimidating for some.
Reddit's Choice
6 )
Web Development 101 (2013)
The Odin Project offers this Web Development 101 course to help beginners get a hands-on introduction to tools and concepts that run the internet. It covers the basics of coding concepts, text editors, Ruby, Git HTML, JavaScript and CSS. This is the introduction to a coding bootcamp that aims to get students ready for professional applications.


- This introduction covers substantial ground, but it is only the beginning. A complete path to web development is available through continued learning.
- Online community appears more dedicated to success than most, making it an invaluable resource.
- Self-paced learning lets you get back what you put into the learning process.
- Similar to free-range parenting, the Odin method is all about self-sufficiency. Those who do best being led by the hand will not succeed here.
- This is priming students for deep mastery of concepts. Information is dense compared to other introductory courses.
7 )
Introduction to JavaScript (2015)
Highly interactive JavaScript course for absolute beginners. Dozens of coding challenges and projects. It's the most recommended free JS course by the Reddit learnprogramming community.


- Extremely interactive; more than 100 interactive coding challenges provided throughout the course.
- Browser based coded environment hosted directly on FreeCodeCamp makes it easy to get started.
- Courses are updated frequently as new JavaScript features are added.
- Does not do a great job of engaging the learner in a meaningful way. Copying and pasting code is often all that's required to complete a coding challenge.
- Concepts are explained only at the surface level; very little depth taught.
- Text based. Visual learners would do better in a video-based course.
8 )
Getting Started with JavaScript, v2 (2019)
Brand new & taught by JavaScript legend Kyle Simpson, this 2.5 hour course teaches the three pillars of JavaScript: types/coercion, scope/closure, and this/prototypes.
What You'll Learn
- Everything you need to start creating graphic experiences using JavaScript and p5.js.
- JS building blocks like objects, functions, loops, etc.
- Create a bouncing ball using shapes and colors.
- Object Oriented Programming with ES6.
- Constructor arguments with classes.
- Upload media files.
- Object communication.
- Much, Much more!
9 )
JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts (2022)
Learn modern advanced JavaScript practices and be in the top 10% of JavaScript developers
What You'll Learn
- Advanced JavaScript Practices
- Object Oriented Programming
- Functional Programming
- Scope and Execution Context
- Inheritance + Prototype Chain
- Latest features: ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9, ES10
- Closures
- Asynchronous JavaScript + Event Loop
- JavaScript Modules
- `this` keyword
- JavaScript Engine and Runtime
- Error Handling
- Stack Overflow
- Memory Leaks
- Composition vs Inheritance
- Type Coersion
- Pass By Reference vs Pass by Value
- Higher Order Functions
- .call(), .apply(), .bind()
- Interpreter/ Compiler/ JIT Compiler
- Garbage Collection
- Hoisting
- JavaScript best practices
10 )
Code! Programming with p5.js for Beginners (2019)
Learn JavaScript and p5.js the fun way! Enthusiastic instructor Daniel Shifman teaches JS and p5.js in this 7 hour YouTube series. p5.js is a popular JS library used for creating graphical interfaces.


- The most fun and entertaining JS tutorial out there.
- High production quality.
- His off-the-wall teaching style makes the material a lot more memorable so you're more likely to retain what you learn.
- The 'ADD' high-energy teaching style feels disorganized and hard to follow at times.
- Doesn't teach best practices in some cases.