C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 Recipes (Udemy.com)
Catch up with the latest improvements in C# and .NET Core
Created by: Packt Publishing
Produced in 2017
What you will learn
- Learn the fundamentals of C#
- Understand the new features of C# 7, why they are needed and how to make the best use of them
- You will learn how to develop fast, scalable web applications with C# 7 and ASP .NET Core 2.0
- Use the Entity Framework to make working with databases seem like a walk in the park
- Introduced to delegates & lambda expressions
- Explore an alternative way of working with large collections
- You will extend .NET built-in types with Extension methods
Quality Score
Overall Score : 84 / 100
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Course Description
In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to start developing applications using the newest features that come with C# 7 as well as the newest version of the .NET Core. The course will start with a quick introduction to C# and .NET that will prepare you for what comes next. You will then learn about the new features of C# 7. Following that, you will get in-depth knowledge of ASP.NET Core along with the new version of the Entity Framework. Next, we will discuss some more advanced concepts of C# like delegates, lambda expressions, and LINQ.
From this course, you'll learn newest features of C# and ASP.NET. You'll be developing the web applications with ASP.NET. Also, learn the advanced C# programming concepts.
About the Author :
Dimitris Loukas is a software engineer currently writing Single Page Applications and APIs using Aurelia, ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework for a trading software firm. He is also finishing his Computer Science studies at the University of Athens. He has worked for two startups in the past, he is active in the open source community and loves taking up small side projects. He is fascinated by modern JavaScript, C# and the .NET Core.Who this course is for:
- It's also for experienced C# developers who want to get up-to-speed with the latest changes in C# and ASP .NET Core and/or want to get more in-depth knowledge of advanced C# concepts.
Instructor Details

- 4.2 Rating
22 Reviews
Packt Publishing
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