Design Thinking Capstone
Demonstrate the knowledge and skills gained during the Design Thinking MicroMasters program.
Created by: Lorraine Justice
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Course Description
In this course, you will be asked to solve a problem using the design thinking process. You will demonstrate your understanding by submitting a final project, along with documentation to support your findings.
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Lorraine Justice
Dr. Justice worked on digital media products for 10 years before joining academia. She obtained her master's degree and PhD at The Ohio State University, where she also taught Graphic Design, Industrial Design, and Design Research courses. She was the Director of Design at Georgia Tech for six years and a co-author for the Encyclopedia of Distance Learning. After Georgia Tech, she became the Dean of the School of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Under her leadership, the school became one of the top four design programs in Asia. Dr. Justice is a Fellow of the Industrial Designers Society of America and has been named one of the top 40 designers by I.D. Magazine. She is an active member of the TED community and gave talks at both TEDx Hong Kong in 2009 and at TEDU in Long Beach in 2010. Currently, she serves on the editorial board for five design journals, advisory boards for universities and companies, and consults internationally for industry and government.