Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation dalam bahasa Indonesia

Neste especializaAAo, os participantes conhecerAo os serviAos flexAveis e abrangentes de infraestrutura e plataforma fornecidos pelo Google Cloud Platform. Por meio de uma combinaAAo de apresentaAAes, demonstraAAes e laboratArios prAticos, os participantes poderAo explorar e implantar elementos da soluAAo, incluindo componentes de infraestrutura como redes, sistemas e serviAos de aplicativos. Este curso tambAm abrange a implantaAAo de soluAAes prAticas, incluindo a interconexAo segura de redes, chaves de criptografia fornecidas pelo cliente, gerenciamento de seguranAa e acesso, cotas e faturam

Created by: Google Cloud Training

Quality Score

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Qualified Instructor
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Course Depth & Coverage

Overall Score : 100 / 100

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Course Description

Kursus akselerasi on demand ini memperkenalkan peserta pada infrastruktur dan layanan platform yang komprehensif dan fleksibel yang disediakan oleh Google Cloud Platform. Melalui kombinasi presentasi video, demo, dan lab praktis, peserta akan mengeksplorasi dan menerapkan berbagai elemen solusi, termasuk komponen infrastruktur seperti jaringan, sistem, dan layanan aplikasi. Kursus ini juga membahas tentang penerapan solusi praktis, termasuk pembuatan interkoneksi jaringan yang aman, load balancing, penskalaan otomatis, otomatisasi infrastruktur, dan layanan terkelola.Prasyarat: Untuk mendapatkan manfaat optimal dari kursus ini, peserta diharapkan telah:- Menyelesaikan kursus Konsep Dasar Google Cloud Platform (Infrastruktur Inti atau Profesional AWS.) atau yang setara- Menyelesaikan kursus Infrastruktur Cloud Esensial: Dasar, atau yang setara- Menyelesaikan kursus Infrastruktur Cloud Esensial: Layanan Inti, atau yang setara- Menguasai kemahiran dasar dalam fitur command-line dan lingkungan sistem operasi Linux- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang Operasi Sistem, termasuk menerapkan dan mengelola aplikasi, baik pada lingkungan lokal maupun cloud publik.>>> Dengan mendaftar untuk mengikuti kursus ini, Anda menyetujui Persyaratan Layanan Qwiklabs sebagaimana diuraikan dalam FAQ dan tercantum di: https://qwiklabs.com/terms_of_service <<<

Instructor Details

Google Cloud Training

The Google Cloud Training team is responsible for developing, delivering and evaluating training that enables our enterprise customers and partners to use our products and solution offerings in an effective and impactful way. Google Cloud helps millions of organizations empower their employees, serve their customers, and build what's next for their businesses with innovative technology created in-and for-the cloud. Our products are engineered for security, reliability, and scalability, running the full stack from infrastructure to applications to devices and hardware. Our teams are dedicated to helping customers apply our technologies to create success.



13 total reviews

5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete

By Divyansh A on 24-Oct-19

too difficult for beginner, but this is excellent course for learning

By Pushkar H S on 16-Sep-19

nice tutor

By Mark H on 4-Sep-19


By Jo�o P D M on 6-Sep-19


By Michel L F F on 11-Oct-19

Thank you very much

By Mamta on 13-Oct-19

nice learning thx siir

By Paul K on 16-Oct-19


By Ivan O O on 17-Oct-19


By Mariam G on 15-Oct-19

Its a good course !

By Sulaimon W O on 15-Oct-19

greats test

By Marius D on 20-Oct-19


By srinath on 8-Nov-19

Thank you very much!!