Green Chameleon Learning - Courses Up to 95% Off at
Deal Expires Sunday, 2025-01-19
Instructor Green Chameleon Learning
Web Developer, Designer, and Teacher
Here at Green Chameleon Learning, we believe that the best way to learn is by doing. To that end, our courses contain abundant exercises and applications to insure that what is taught in lectures is understood well enough and retained long enough to be applied easily and effectively by each and every one of our students. In addition, our courses are updated when necessary and student questions are answered regularly to make sure that what they are being taught is up to date and to make sure that our courses continue to deliver on what they promised to students.
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Most Recent Review
It's a bit introductory, for those of us who already have experience it is a bit redundant to repeat this, however, the instructor gives a very concise and clear explanation of broad programming concepts. this is a fantastic introductory course to anyone just starting to dip their toes into programming.
- Review by Ximena ft
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