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Course Description
Grokking Deep Learning in Motion is a new liveVideo course that takes you on a journey into the world of deep learning. Rather than just learn how to use a single library or framework, you'll actually discover how to build these algorithms completely from scratch! Professional instructor Beau Carnes breaks deep learning wide open, drawing together his expertise in video instruction and Andrew Trask's unique, intuitive approach from Grokking Deep Learning! As you move through this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of deep learning from a unique standing! Using Python, as well as Jupyter Notebooks, you'll get stuck right in to the basics of neural prediction and learning, and teach your algorithms to visualize things like different weights. Throughout, you'll train your neural network to be smarter, faster, and better at its job in a variety of ways, ready for the real world!
Instructor Details
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Beau Carnes
Beau Carnes is a software developer and a recognized authority in software instruction. Besides teaching in-person workshops and classes, Beau has recently joined the team at freeCodeCamp as their lead video instructor, helping to teach over 2 million people around the world to code. Beau also teaches Manning's best-selling video course, Algorithms in Motion.
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- Provider: YouTube
- Time: 1h 30m