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Course Description

Functional programming allows you to write more concise code that's easier to read, debug, and maintain. It revolves around powerful, mathematical functions that tell the computer what to do- "not how to do it. The developer doesn't have to worry about order of execution, loops, or conditions. You simply define the desired outcome; the computer takes care of the rest. This course introduces the benefits and features of functional programming, and shows how to use different techniques and libraries in C++ to make code more functional. Instructor Troy Miles reviews built-in functions such as transform, copyif, accumulate, and bind and shows how to convert statements into more functional expressions using C++ Lambda functions. Plus, explore template metaprogramming with C++ templates and the STL and Boost.Hana libraries, and functional reactive programming with the RxCpp Reactive Extensions library for C++.

Instructor Details

Troy Miles

Troy Miles is an award-winning software engineer, speaker, and author.

Troy began his career writing games in 6502 and x86 assembly for early computers like the Commodore 64, Apple II, and IBM PC. These days, he writes web and mobile apps for a Southern California-based automotive valuation and information company. He's hung up his assembly language hat, but is fluent in JavaScript, C#, C++, Java, Kotlin, and Clojure.



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