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InVision Studio for UI Designers (Udemy.com)
Interface Design and Prototyping all in one
Created by: Greg Rog
Produced in 2018
What you will learn
- Learn all the Studio's tools
- Practice on a real project
- Create animations and microinteractions
Quality Score
Overall Score : 0 / 100
Live Chat with CourseDuck's Co-Founder for Help
Course Description
Studio tools and shortcuts
Practical app workflow
Working with Components
Animating your UI in Studio
Creating microinteractions
Export, preview and handoff
Basics in a breeze
Soon you'll find out that Studio is probably one of the easiest tools to master and most of the functions are simple and intuitive. Especially if you've previously used Sketch, transition to Studio is painless and all the tools and shortcuts works just as expected. This is why we won't spend much time explaining the interface, rather than jump right into creating a practical design in Studio. As you will find out this is the most effective and rewarding way of discovering Studio.
It just works
The overall user experience of Studio is great. There are dozens of little things that just works, without bothering you. You might even think - what is there to learn? Everythig is so simple. Thanks to this, the learning curve that you're about to take is focused on effective workflow, rather than the tool itself. My aim is to show you the tips and tricks to work even faster, better and more efficient.
One fits all
This is one of the rare examples where one solution gives you a spectrum of possibilities. For most of the time you won't have to leave InVision Studio. Even though you can create seamless transitions and advanced animations in you UI, the software itself feels light and responsive. We'll explore different parts of your workflow, from initial sketches, to a detailed design, to a prototype working on devices. All without leaving Studio.
Leverage the platform
InVision Platform is much more than Studio. Thanks to its capabilities you'll be able to easily export and share the prototypes and edit them after the rounds of feedback from your client or project owners. We'll explore those options together with the handoff capabilities and creating automated specs for developers.
Design elements
In the course I will explain the usage of colors, typography, grid and other basic UI design concepts combined with the tools and workflows available in Studio. We'll focus on the correct setup, creation of the Components and other good habits that will help you in professional UI design process.
Create beautiful UI
In the course I'd like to showcase Studio workflow based on a practical UI project of a Supercar Rental app. Thanks to this approach I'll be able to show you step-by-step design process in Studio that is closer to real life example.
Who this course is for:
UI/UX designers willing to get to know InVision Studio
Instructor Details
- 0.0 Rating
- 0 Reviews
Greg Rog
My work is all about design, coding, and education. For over 10 years I've been a professional designer, design lead and UX consultant for companies such as Microsoft, Google, Adobe or Wacom. I created the biggest local website with video tutorials on code, design and more with over 100.000 clients. I also run a software house and a training facility, speak at design conferences and more. I'm curious, passionate and I love sharing knowledge.