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Isomorphic JavaScript with MEVN Stack (Udemy.com)

Build powerful web applications using MongoDB, Express.JS, Vue.JS and Node.js

Created by: Packt Publishing

Produced in 2018

What you will learn

  • Use Node .js to set up a project environment ready for MEVN development
  • Create Single Page Applications using the Vue .JS command-line Interface Tool
  • Manage application state with Vuex Library
  • Implement application routing with Vue .js Router
  • NoSQL Database management with MongoDB
  • Build a secure, RESTful API with Express .JS, including user authentication
  • Deploy a production-ready application to the cloud

Quality Score

Content Quality
Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage

Overall Score : 74 / 100

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Course Description

Do you want to build scalable, high-performance web apps? Harness the power of the JavaScript ecosystem to run, build, and test your full-stack applications. This course will guide you in building a full-stack app using Isomorphic JavaScript frameworks. You'll build web applications using the MEVN Stack in JavaScript.
This course takes you on an end-to-end journey, building on your basic skills and taking you to advanced skill set in no time with Vue .js while deploying enhanced web apps to a production environment.
About the Author
David Acosta is a professional Software Developer with a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology Management and more than three years' experience in web development. As a developer for CollaborateMD Inc., David develops web-based medical billing and practice management software services for independent practices and hospitals. His work mainly focuses on JavaScript, TypeScript, and Java-based technologies such as Angular 2, Spring, Swing, and JQuery. He also has extensive knowledge of many other libraries and frameworks such as Laravel, React .JS, Vue .js, Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, and more.Who this course is for:
  • This course targets web and JavaScript developers who want to create advanced, scalable web applications using Vue .js. If you are a developer, want to create web applications, and have a keen interest in using JavaScript on the frontend and backend, this Isomorphic JavaScript course is for you.

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Instructor Details

Packt Publishing

Packt has been committed to developer learning since 2004. A lot has changed in software since then - but Packt has remained responsive to these changes, continuing to look forward at the trends and tools defining the way we work and live. And how to put them to work.
With an extensive library of content - more than 4000 books and video courses -Packt's mission is to help developers stay relevant in a rapidly changing world. From new web frameworks and programming languages, to cutting edge data analytics, and DevOps, Packt takes software professionals in every field to what's important to them now.
From skills that will help you to develop and future proof your career to immediate solutions to every day tech challenges, Packt is a go-to resource to make you a better, smarter developer.

Packt Udemy courses continue this tradition, bringing you comprehensive yet concise video courses straight from the experts.



10 total reviews

5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete

Good course, I like the way the code is created and tested. However, you need to pause and rewind a lot. Also, there are many explanations omitted with the time available so you need more than a basic understanding of Javacript to follow the videos.

Final review upon finishing: If you want to see how Vue, Express, Mongo, and Node all connect together to make an app, this is a decent place to start if you are willing to work through some bugs and figure out a lot of stuff on your own. The course moves very quickly. David is coding pretty much constantly. As he does so, he describes very briefly what he is doing. The problem is that he only infrequently says WHY he is doing it. That part is mostly left for you to figure out. And the bigger picture perspectives about how things work together are also, for the most part, left for you to figure out.So this course has a good base of content, I think, but could be a lot better with some more information, so all in all, a bit of a missed opportunity. With just a bit more effort could have been a much more effective course.

should be explain bit more.

I like the simple frame work. Its verbose. The instructor is knowledgeable and experienced. It is all there.

Rpido y preciso

I feel that that content covered is good and I learned a lot. I would highly recommend this tutorial to anyone who has worked with Vue.js a little before and if a beginner to Vue.js then I would recommend reading the docs as you go.Liked:* The style and layout of the files.* The clean code.* The direct approach, for the most part.Disliked:* No time to keep up, had to rewind a lot.* A few syntax errors that should have been caught post-production of the video with added popup bubbles addressing them.* Misspoke a few times leading to a little confusion.TIP:For Section 4-18 @ 3:50 minutesIf using Windows, in the package.json file when setting the node_env variable , there cannot be any spaces between the word production (or development) and the two ampersands (&&), otherwise the space becomes part of the string.Found out the hard way. :(Exp..."build": "set NODE_ENV=production&& babel dev-server... "Confirmed here...https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25112510/how-to-set-environment-variables-from-within-package-json-node-js

Course is way too fast specially on important topics. Content is great, but the speed of concepts and code explanation makes a simple class stressing.

Leider etwas zu schnell. Kaum Zeit Dinge zu verstehen und viel wird auch nicht ausfhrlich erklrt.

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Poor video quality