Jitesh Khurkhuriya - Courses Up to 95% Off at Udemy.com
Deal Expires Tuesday, 2025-02-18
Instructor Jitesh Khurkhuriya

Web Developer, Designer, and Teacher
Jitesh has worked with various fortune 500 companies and governments across the world.
As the Data Scientist and Anti-Fraud Expert, he was the member of the high-profile team to suggest tax reforms and amendments in VAT, Customs and Income Tax based on fraud pattern analysis, countrywide data mining and analysis, business process security analysis. This not only contributed to a revolutionary change in the tax processes but also reduced the tax and customs frauds.
As a seasoned leader in Digital Transformation, Jitesh has developed and executed strategies that generated high top and bottom line revenue streams.
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practice and hands on labs are getting me used to azure ml. More tailored to the Machine Learning concept than using all of Azure ML Studio Features. Knowing this when going into the course, I have a greater understanding of how to apply machine learning models and how to understand how to configure and evaluate their success. I feel ready to tackle a real world business problem at the company I work for.
- Review by Justin Brancato
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