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Laravel and Vue.js - Fullstack Web Development (2021) (Udemy.com)

Learn how to build RESTful API and Single Page Application with Laravel & VueJs from scratch (compatible with Laravel 6)

Created by: Eding Muhamad Saprudin

Produced in 2022

What you will learn

  • Build real world Vue js & Laravel applications
  • Build RESTful API
  • Build Single Page Application (SPA) from scratch
  • Deploy Laravel application both in Heroku and Digital Ocean Virtual Private Server
  • Understand how Vue js works and how it interacts with Laravel Backend API
  • Use Laravel Mix for asset compilation

Quality Score

Content Quality
Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage

Overall Score : 88 / 100

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Course Description

Update histories
November 2019 - Added new section about building Single Page Application (SPA)
October 2019 - Added new section about RESTful API Development
September 2019 - Added new lesson about how to upgrade Laravel version from 5.8 to 6.0
August 2019 - Added new section section about deploying Laravel application in Digital Ocean
June 2019 - Added new section about upgrading laravel version (5.7, 5.8)
March 2019 - Added new section about building editor component with syntax highlighter support with Vue.js & Prism.js

Welcome to Laravel and Vue.js - Fullstack Web Development course, the best online resource for learning how to build full stack web app with Laravel, Vue.js and other technologies.
You will learn basic and advance Laravel features, integrating Bootstrap 4 to create beautiful and responsive website, Integrating Fontawesome 5, utilizing Laravel mix to write and compile Sass code and Javascript code and much more.
All of my courses are project-driven learning, in this course we will build real world project, that will make you proud of yourself and make you confident to build complex web applications that you can imagine.
Here's exactly what you will learn:
  • Basic Laravel features: database migration, database seeds, model factories, accessor & mutattors, form validation, authentication and authorization.
  • Advance Eloquent Relationship: Many to many and Many to Many polymorphic relationship.
  • Integrating Fontawesome 5 via Laravel mix.
  • Integrating Bootstrap 4 for UI Styling.
  • Implementing DRY principle.
  • Using Git for version control and Github as code repository.
  • Introduction to Vue js: Directive, list rendering, conditional rendering, class binding, style binding, components, mixins and much more.
  • Integrating Vue js & Ajax to make our application more interactive.
  • RESTfull API Development
  • Deploy Laravel applications in Heroku and Digital Ocean Virtual Private Server.
  • Upgrade Laravel application to the newer version to make our app up to date.
  • And much more
So what you're waiting for? Join today and learn how to build full stack web apps from scratch with Laravel & Vue.js.Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to combine Laravel with Vue js and other web technologies to build full stack web application
  • This course is meant for students already familiar with the basics of Laravel and wants to level up their development skills by building real life project

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Also, you may need to apply the coupon code directly on the cart page to get the discount.

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Instructor Details

Eding Muhamad Saprudin

Eding Muhamad is a full-stack developer with more than 10 years experience on web development. He mainly works with PHP and builds web apps with PHP frameworks like Codeigniter, Yii and Laravel. He also has excellent knowledge in Frontend Library or framework such as jQuery, Bootstrap and Vue.js.
Eding is also love teaching. He has more than 5 years experience on onsite teaching includes: object oriented programming, java, data structure, Algorithm, C++ and PHP. And he has more than 3 years experience on online teaching especially in Laravel PHP Framework.



49 total reviews

5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star
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% Complete
% Complete
% Complete

Very course, but a little bit difficult for a beginner like me

So far i've been able to keep up with the course as i had some background with Laravel. But i'm sure it could be complicated for newcomers.

I have mixed feelings on this course. I already have pretty good experience with Laravel, but none with Vue, that's why I bought it in first place.The Laravel part, is one of the very best courses in Udemy, I learned a lot of good practices, both in Laravel and GitBut I just gave up on the Vue part. The course says it is updated for 2019, and there are lots of things you can't follow because the some specifications changed in 2017 or so, and the course isn't updated. There are several things you can only do using Internet Explorer 11 (WTF!) or Firefox, that won't work on any Chromium based browser, of course, there must be some workaround, but I came here to learn, not to spend hours and hours on the internet on how to make a course work.The communication with the instructor... well... check at my questions, I think they are pretty well documented, and all I got is "download my code from Git", seriously?Fortunately I bought the course on one of those 10 USD sales (it isn't worth much more), anyother way I'd be pretty mad.

In the start of the course I thought it's not going to be that good. But it's a bit beyond my expectations and it's nice that he follows the rules of laravel and also explains a lot of situations.

i've done this reviews three times, before i gave this course mix review......(first one is good, then bad, and after i've repeated this course finally i decided to give a good review again)but in the end i'm still thinking this course is good for intermediate user but not for beginner

This course has updated my skills in integrate Laravel with VueJS

I`am beginner at all, but this courseneither overwhelmed nor bored.Very interesting stuff, and very detailed!Its my 2nd laravel course (and the 2nd with vue,but the first with both) but this one is much more intensive,in the most positive way!Just great!!Thanks a lot!!!

I think this course is best for people who already know the basics of Vue and Laravel. I think this course can still be expanded more on the vue-laravel authentication side since the lacking part was when user session data was stored on the client side (window object) which raised some's eyebrows as it seems that there was a better method. Other than that I definitely recommend this course. I now have a clear picture on how to utilize Vue on Laravel and one would learn from the good coding practice in this course.

This is a very interesting course.

Great explanations!

Very detailed and explanation of any peace of code.

Excellent course, full of powerful tools and useful information for Laravel and Vue.js development.