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Learn Protractor(Angular Testing) from scratch +Framework (Udemy.com)

Step by Step tutorial to understand Protractor using Javascript&Typescript +Framework development(Cucumber,Jasmine)

Created by: Rahul Shetty

Produced in 2022

What you will learn

  • By end of this course, You will get complete knowledge on Protractor API to automate any Angular/NonAngular Apps
  • In-depth knowledge of JavaScript with Asynchronous Promise concepts
  • You will gain the ability to design Protractor framework from scratch using jasmine Unit testing techniques
  • Understand the Nodejs principles and package json in depth for CI integration
  • Includes a Practice Website to play around with all available Protractor functions to automate
  • Crack any Protractor Interview on Single shot!

Quality Score

Content Quality
Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage

Overall Score : 94 / 100

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Course Description

  • Course Last Updated- November 20th- [Protractor Cucumber BDD Framework]
  • "Welcome to The only online course in the World which covers end to end Automation using Protractor API from Complete Scratch to Framework level using Javascript Jasmine & Typescript Cucumber. "
    Why Protractor?

    Protractor turns out be the Hottest Automation testing tool in the market with sudden increase in demand of of Javascript Frameworks like Angular, React for Front End UI development.
  • Protractor is developed by Angular core team and takes clear edge over all other testing tools for Angular Apps automation in terms of stability, reliabity ,Performance and Code complexity.
And I Bet! On course Completion You can clear any interview or develop Protractor framework on your own.
As a bonus apart from protractor, You will learn lots of new technologies in this course such as Javascript,Typescript, Node, jasmine, etc.
Below is the course Content we Cover:
Introduction to protractor
Node.js basics with setup instructions
Protractor Setup and installation
Javascript Basics
Protractor API Overeview
Different locator strategies available in Protractor
Understanding Javascript Asynchronous promises
Working with Angular UI Elements with Protractor
Understanding the configuration file
20+ Practise exercises on UI Automation using Protractor
Working with non Angular Apps using protractor
jasmine Unit testing framework basics
Optimizing protractor tests for Framework development
Page object mechanism in JS frameworks
Data driven and parameterzation using Jasmine Framework
Client reports generation and config methods for Robust framework
Indepth understanding of Pacakage.json file and npm commands
Integrating the Protractor framework with CI Jenkins tool
Introduction to Git Hub
Wish you all the Best! See you all in the course :)Who this course is for:
  • Any Software Proffesional

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Instructor Details

Rahul Shetty

Nothing is Impossible . It all depends on how we are Trained on it!
Teaching is my Passion. And its my Profession. The only Business I know is Spreading the Knowledge
"Every software Professional have a desire to learn latest IT courses which are trending in the Market but some how 90% of them are giving up their thoughts
Its not due to the lack of courses available in the Market, but its about finding the right Mentor who can guide,teach and understand student's pulse with their background education"

So to full fill all these Gaps, I have established "Testing school" few years ago, And after successful completion of more than 300 offline Training batches.. I am finally
here at Udemy to share all my 13 Years IT Experience Knowledge to QA Colleagues and Students

And you know?? Already 1,00,000 Happy Students are taking advantage with my courses here at Udemy with overwhelmed responses
Below are the course I teach here in this platform and many more on the way!!
For Web Automation Testing :
1.Selenium Tutorial - In Java and Python
2. Protractor Tutorial - Java Script Automation for Angular
3.Selenium- Frameworks
4. Cucumber Framework Tutorial
For Mobile Automation Testing
3. Appium Mobile Testing Tutorial
For API Automation Testing :
4. SoapUI API Automation
5. Rest API



50 total reviews

5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete

Each topic is explained very clearly along with sources for the information which helps to understand more in depth.

I feel this is one course which will teach you and make u understand each and every thing.Support is great.I will like to learn more technologies and tools from this trainer @Rahul Shetty thank you for this course

I had no prior knowledge of protractor, with this course started from basics and built it to advanced level. Thank you for such a well-structured course, Rahul. Your words of encouragement in the lectures boosted my spirit. Thanks a lot for them. I have a suggestion for you, sometimes, during lectures, you highlight some sites, and blogs that we can refer for further details about the topic, you could put all those links in one file and share it in Resources at end of section or end of course.

Teaching each and every concept from scratch is awesome.But still some more important topics should be included.

Rahul Shetty is one of the few excellent naturally gifted tutor whose teaching style and material content is just fabulous and I am seriously in awe of his teaching style. He takes great care and ensures beginners are experts by end of his course and easily approachable for any questions or materials if required.Well done Rahul!!!

I came through this course when I was working on establishing Protractor/Cucumber framework to test an Angular application. I didn't have any prior knowledge and this course came really handy with detail instructions and examples.

Hello Rahuli started learnig protractor with not a single knowledge about it . but after completing a course i am very much confident to work right now . ia mavery much thankful to Rahul to explain the concept very neatly and clrear . keep doing good work .Thanksnitesh

The content of the course has been really good. Instructor explained Framework designing related all important concepts in simpler words.

Yes, it is good match. But want to see more advanced topics like dealing with excels and invoking the test data from excels sheet in Protractor. And whether can we use Apache POI API's here.?

This course is a perfect blend of every technology mentioned from Jasmine to protractor to typescript to framework building. Although sometimes too much explanation is unnecessary but I can understand these courses are developed in such a way that all levels can follow them.

great teacher with excellent examples however learning the material comes from taking initiative and doing the questions yourself before watching the solution videos

Everything about protractor that is needed from basic and that also well structured at one place. Thanks Rahul for this course.