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Course Description

MySQL is by far the most popular database management system for small- to medium-sized web projects. In this course, Bill Weinman provides clear, concise tutorials that guide you through creating and maintaining a MySQL database of your own. Bill explores the basic syntax, using SQL statements to create, insert, update, and delete data from your tables. He also covers creating a new database from scratch, as well as data types, transactions, subselects, views, and stored routines. Plus, learn about the multi-platform PHP PDO interface that will help you connect your database to web applications.

Instructor Details

Bill Weinman

Bill Weinman is a tech advocate, entrepreneur, and expert in a programming languages such as C++ and Python.

Bill Weinman is the author of several books and online courses on the technical aspects of the World Wide Web. He has earned a reputation for his ability to explain complex topics in clear, concise terms. Mr. Weinman built his first computer in 1973, and has been involved with technology ever since. He has run a successful consulting practice, been a computer manufacturer, and most recently headed a hosting company. An accomplished guitarist, Bill performs and records music when he's not writing about computers. You can learn more about Bill, his projects and his music at https://bw.org/.



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