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React Native Design - Build front end of 10 mobile Apps (Udemy.com)

Build front end of 10 Apps for Android and iOS using React Native. Expo, Native Base, Elements - All covered

Created by: Igneus Technologies

Produced in 2018

What you will learn

  • You will be able to write front end of any design of mobile apps
  • Build youtube front end clone
  • Build Tinder cards with Animations
  • Complete knowledge of front end of React native
  • You will be building 10 apps front end in React native
  • Ready to apply as Jr app developer (Android and iOS combo)
  • Never look back about device size issues
  • Keyboard aware loing and much more

Quality Score

Content Quality
Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage

Overall Score : 74 / 100

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Course Description

What is the problem that we are solving with this course?
  1. When you want to learn app development, for iOS it's swift and for Android it's Java or Kotlin.
  2. When screen size varies on any device, it's really hard to make sure that your app looks consistency
  3. Getting same look on both Android and iOS is another nightmare.
These are the issues that you will never look back after taking this course. We will use Javascript code to build Native mobile apps for both android and iOS. We will use React native, used by Facebook, messenger, Instagram, tesla etc, to build our apps. This is like a front end course for mobile apps.
With React Native, you can use your web skills to produce native mobile apps. Further to help us in fast production, we will use Expo client to generate boiler plate code. Expo is very popular tool in industry to create React native apps.
We will create 10 apps, each addressing different design issues that you will face in your app development journey. Apps like tutorial screen, login screen with keyboard awareness are must to put in your bag.
Also we will create some clones like youtube app clone, of course front end only, so that you can replicate any design that is passed to you.
After taking this course, you will be able to create front end of mobile apps, both android and iOS, using react native. All apps are tested on both iPhone and Android devices and have consistent look on both platform.
React native is a state of art technology, used by Facebook and loved by developers. Now, finally you can focus on your project concept instead of being worried about learning many languages to create an app.
Have a look at Promo video and there we have mention about the apps that we will be creating in this course.
See you inside the course !
Happy coding!Who this course is for:
  • Students interested in app development
  • Want to build Android or iOS app
  • Want to use their web skills into app development
  • students who wants layout and design issues for their apps

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Instructor Details

Igneus Technologies

We at Igneus have trained students from IIT's, NIT's and reputed companies. Students from all over the globe have trusted our High quality and affordable trainings from 10+ countries and have opted for our Certification programs.

IGNEUS stands for the Revolutionary and a quality enhanced change that we've tried to come up with in the modern world of Internet education. We've come up bearing in mind the maximum emphasis on the quality dealing with every new technology which has made us distinguished from the throng at internet. And this revolution of choice will keep continuing. Today IGNEUS Technologies has proudly lifting up the tag of being the world's most trusted provider of myriad of services and training programs aiding constantly in every corner of the globe along with web security aspects, and open source technology.

IGNEUS Technologies Pvt. Ltd is a dream shared and brought up by two computer geniuses to make the society upgraded and aware of the cyber crimes that curb the innocence of environment, thus starting a revolution in favor of cyber security.

Igneus stands for the Revolutionary and a quality enhanced change in every aspect of its touch to internet. Quality dealing with every new technology makes us different from the crowd of internet. The revolution of choice continues. Today Igneus Technologies is the world's most trusted provider of mentioned services and training along with web security aspect



47 total reviews

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good explanation

This is my second course from this author. He is easy to watch; however, he wastes a lot of time talking jibberish about "taking it easy" instead of details. I realize this is because his native language is not English. But we need more "meat on the bones" when trying to learn a new subject and not a glossed over approach. How about including a pdf or two on some of the code?

This is going pretty well, although i had to take a crash course in flexbox. But i would say i am really enjoying this.

A good front end course with just one slightly disappointing project for android.

I am a learner. I find e-learning is a really good way to learn new things.I learned a lot about React Native Front End Development on Udemy. such a great place for start learning about new technologies with clear explanation and practical implementations.Thank You

Good on the design, Good on presentation. Presenter need a bit more understanding of libraries used.Slightly dated.

Showing building youtube and not providing the json and other stuffs and telling that this is explained in other tutorials. then why have i bought this course for.

He is making mistakes and very beginner level ,,, very disappointing

Estou na metade e aproveitando bem, sim, estou pegando as lies facilmente.

Thank you for this course!I would recommend this course only for beginners, as the examples are too simple.

The course is too basic. I've found more complete courses for free in youtube.