Rock the JVM! Akka Persistence with Scala (
A must-have for Akka developers: write long-term reactive systems with Akka Persistence and PostgreSQL or Cassandra!
Created by: Daniel Ciocrlan
Produced in 2022
What you will learn
- Learn advanced Akka with Persistent Actors
- Write long-lived, fault-tolerant distributed systems
- Use Akka Persistence in production with PostgreSQL or Cassandra
- Adopt a new mental model with Event Sourcing
Quality Score
Overall Score : 98 / 100
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Course Description
This course is for Scala/Akka programmers who need to design critical and long-lived distributed applications.
You probably know Akka already:
- it speeds up the development of concurrent applications by as much as 10x
- its demand has exploded
- it's a highly marketable skill
- it's incredibly fun - once tasted Akka and Event Sourcing, you'll never want to get back to databases
- deconstructs all concepts into the critical pieces you need
- selects the most important ideas and separates them into what's simple but critical and what's powerful
- sequences ideas in a way that "clicks" and makes sense throughout the process of learning
- applies everything in live code
- a completely new mental model around persistence
- a more marketable resume
- more enjoyable work - Akka is fun!
This course is NOT for you if
- you've never written Scala code before
- you've never worked with Akka
I believe both theory and practice are important. That's why you'll get lectures with code examples, real life code demos and assignments, plus additional resources, instructions, exercises and solutions.
I've seen that my students are most successful - and my best students work at Google-class companies - when they're guided, but not being told what to do. I have exercises waiting for you, where I offer my (opinionated) guidance but otherwise freedom to experiment and improve upon your code.
Definitely not least, my students are most successful when they have fun along the way!
So join me in this course and let's rock the JVM!Who this course is for:
- Scala and Akka developers who need to design long-term fault-tolerant systems
Instructor Details

- 4.9 Rating
22 Reviews
Daniel Ciocrlan
I'm a software engineer with a passion for teaching. Big fan of Scala and the JVM.
I have a Master's Degree in Computer Science and I wrote my Bachelor and Master theses on Quantum Computation. Before starting to learn programming, I won medals at international Physics competitions.
For 7+ years, I've taught a variety of Computer Science topics to 20000+ of students at various levels. I've held Hour of Code for 7 year-olds, I've taught university students who now work at Google and Facebook, I've held live classes for IT professionals and I'm now so excited to share what I know with a wider community online.