Ryan Dhungel - Courses Up to 95% Off at Udemy.com
Deal Expires Saturday, 2025-01-18
Instructor Ryan Dhungel
Web Developer, Designer, and Teacher
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Most Recent Review
A good solid course of OOP fundamentals with a sprinkling of advanced concepts. I appreciated the instructor used the same class structure throughout so we could see how the instantiated objects behave and react without having to learn a new object example. one thing I think that could be improved is the number of typos in the videos... quite distracting to me, especially when you realize he has to go back and fix them all, retype... yada yada. Overall a solid course!
- Review by Paul McNeme
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Ryan Dhungel's Courses on Udemy.com
HTML CSS Bootstrap jQuery Website from Scratch to Production(2022)
4.5 (47 Reviews)
- Provider: Udemy
- Time: 5h
React Redux Firebase CRUD Application with Authentication(2022)
4.2 (100 Reviews)
- Provider: Udemy
- Time: 8.5h
Master JavaScript from Scratch (with jQuery and React JS)(2022)
4.6 (50 Reviews)
- Provider: Udemy
- Time: 15h
Vue Vuex Firebase Messaging App (Slack Clone)(2022)
4.3 (18 Reviews)
- Provider: Udemy
- Time: 4.5h
MERN Stack React Node Ecommerce from Scratch to Deployment(2022)
4.8 (50 Reviews)
- Provider: Udemy
- Time: 16.5h
Nuxt JS with Laravel API - Building SSR Vue JS Apps(2022)
4.8 (40 Reviews)
- Provider: Udemy
- Time: 9h
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