Scalable Web Applications with Python, Flask, and SQLAlchemy (

Learn to build scalable Python Web Applications with Flask, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, git, andHeroku With Awesome Project

Created by: Hara Gopal

Produced in 2022

What you will learn

  • Build fully functional scalable and secure Web-Applications using the Flask Framework
  • Learn to use various Flask extensions such as Blueprints, Bootstrap, WTForms, Bcrypt etc.
  • Add a PostgreSQL database to your Python Web Applications and use SQLAlchemy ORM to Query Data
  • Deploy your application to Heroku
  • Master GitHub Basics
  • Learn how to use Amazon S3
  • Have Fun Building Dynamic Web Applications While you learn

Quality Score

Content Quality
Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage

Overall Score : 94 / 100

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Course Description

Flask is a very popular Micro Framework for building dynamic Web Applications using Python. This course is meant for beginners to intermediate level programmers who wish to take their Python programming skills to the next level
Basic knowledge in Python, HTML and CSS are pre-requsites for this course. Some understanding Object Orient Concepts and databases will help, but not mandatory
This course is well-rounded and covers most aspects involved in building scalable Web Applications using Flask Framework such as Flask Blueprints, WTForms, Security, adding a robust database layer to your application that supports CRUD operations (Create, Update, Read, Delete Database Records). You'll also learn how to use Amazon S3 to store data and reference them in your projects
As we progress through the course, we will build a Online-Book-Catalog that relies on a PostgreSQL Database and allows users to register, login, logout and perform CRUD operations. We will save our code to GitHub, design and style the Application using Flask Bootstrap, use SQLAlchemy ORM to query data and finally deploy it to the web-hosting platform Heroku
Considering the practical problems involved in learning these complex and vast frameworks, I used some intuitive animations to show you exactly how the control flows from python code to the database util to the point the requested information is finally display in a web-browserWho this course is for:
  • Those who has basic knowledge of python and want building dynamic web-apps using Flask Micro-framework

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Instructor Details

Hara Gopal

I am an avid programmer, build various applications and automated a lot boring and mundane tasks in various processes I worked so far. I have wide-variety of interests and hobbies ranging from teaching (python, JavaScript), music, travelling, business, start-ups, nature, to space and everything in between
apart from computer programming languages i also speak human languages and German is one of them :)



50 total reviews

5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star
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% Complete

The content is good.Suggestion-things to improve for next course:Volume is low, it is a bit hard to understand the explanations, Resolution is not optimal, lecture 40 is not very clear.

This is a fascinating course that is well executed. It is a very good combination of introducing new and complex ideas and then giving them context through practical exercises. I generally only learn well when I learn new ideas and then apply them in a functioning example. The pace is great and the topical separation of ideas is well thought out.

The course was a great step up from beginning code classes. I can use the architecture directly into my next project. I did encounter problems in restoring postgresql, namely in getting 500 errors on the load (total mystery). Waiting a day, the upload worked fine. Don't know why it happened but you might mention it in the next course.Thanks

For a experienced developer, showing how DB concepts, ORM, Web development and separation of concern are done with these new set of tools is really useful

Absolutely clear so far, while some things, especially in file structure of the project, appear quietly and without any explanation.

The double-screen is horrible - I cannot read the code. He should just single screen and switch between PyCharm and the browser. The AWS thing sucked - I don't have access to AWS and I don't know how to make Microsoft Azure work - have options next tem

Mr Hara, With all due respect, please dive into the depths of topics you are explaining, the topic of blueprint went for a toss, The scaling section needs clarity, the explanation is not up to the mark in this section. I have taken up a lot of courses, I rate the ability to make a person UNDERSTAND as the most SUPREME quality that any instructor can have. Sir Please explain topics with clarity and have a sense of empathy for your students.

I loved this tutorial and awesome demo of the application, everything works flawlessly

Its just what I have been desiring for. What a great way to kick off python-flask-postgresql. He really took his time to explain in details. it actually worth every penny spent on the course.

Excellent course.. Congratulations. I recommend.

I'm taking this course as a followup course from another udemy Flask course. I built a functional web app with the last one, so a lot of this is not new knowledge to me. The information in this course that is valuable if you already have understanding in flask and web development are definitely the PostgreSQL and Amazon web services.
