Unreal Engine 4 Class: Blueprints (Udemy.com)
Learn Blueprints and create your own games (eng subtitles)
Created by: Luccas Schmigel
Produced in 2022
What you will learn
- Create games using Unreal Engine and Blueprints (Crie jogos com a Unreal Engine atravs das Blueprints)
- Setup a human-controlled Character (Configure um personagem controlvel pelo jogador)
- Create logics using Blueprints (Crie lgicas usando Blueprints)
- Start on Indie Game Development (Iniciar no desenvolvimento de jogos indie)
- Learn Events, Function and Blueprint Communication (Aprenda Eventos, Funes e Comunicao entre Blueprints)
Quality Score
Overall Score : 96 / 100
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Course Description
Subtitles: English and Portuguese-BR
Check Captions Roadmap lesson to learn more about the subtitles.
All companion material are available in Portuguese and English.
In this course you will learn the Blueprints Fundamentals. This is the first step to start creating your own games and projects, and to begin to understand the Unreal Engine. There are more than 250 lessons, prepared in a didactic way.
The couse was recorded in Portuguese, but many English speaker students can follow with the English Captions.
What are Blueprints? Blueprints are the visual system that frees the user from direct contact with programming language. C++ code are visually represented within the engine. This way you can create whole games and project without having to know the programming language used in the background.
Therefore, this course goal is not to show you countless lessons so you can just copy. I will teach you the whys of every fundamental and you can apply all you learned in any kind of project as you wish. It is this fact that most students like about this course.
Still in doubt? Access some classes available for free.
= = = Content Description = = = =
In this course we will see all Blueprints fundamentals so you can start creating your own games. Unreal Engine allows you to create interactive projects and games and using the same tools used by large AAA studios and indies developers around the world. If you want to start your career in game development with one of the best engines in the market, this is your course.
We will learn about variables, Events, Functions, Blueprint Communication , Materials, Timelines, Vectors, First and Third Person Characters, Interfaces, and then use all this knowledge to publish our first Project for Windows. This course is not a tutorial that will show you just how to create a game. The proposal is to teach you the fundamentals before you start making the first project. If you already have any knowledge, you can skip the initial classes and go straight to the practical classes.
= = = What do I need to know to start the course? = = =
You need no previous experience with games to follow this course.
But you need to have some basic knowledge in Unreal. How to navigate and basic editor navigation.
>> The couse was recorded in Portuguese, but many English speaker students can follow with the English Captions.
Neste curso voc vai aprender os fundamentos sobre Blueprints.
Esse o primeiro passo para comear a criar seus prprios jogos e projetos, e para comear a entender a Unreal Engine.
So mais de 250 aulas, preparadas de forma didtica para voc que est COMEANDO na Engine.
Este curso tem um foco para usurios INICIANTES na engine.
Se voc espera contedo mais avanado, por favor, no d nota baixa ao curso por esse motivo.
O que so Blueprints?
Blueprints o sistema visual que dispensa o contato direto com linguagem de programao.
As funes, eventos, classes e objetos do cdigo c++ so representados visualmente dentro da engine.
Dessa forma voc pode criar jogos inteiros sem precisar conhecer linguagem de programao a fundo.
Por isso, o objetivo desse curso no s te mostrar inmeras aulas para voc copiar.
Eu vou te ensinar os porqus de cada fundamento e ao entender isso voc pode aplicar como quiser.
esse fato que a maioria dos alunos elogia, e no a toa que esse curso possui um dos maiores ratings entre todos os cursos de games disponveis na plataforma.
Ainda em dvida?
Acesse algumas aulas disponveis gratuitamente.
=== O que o Class? ====
No Class eu apresento um curso completo.
Vemos toda a fundamentao terica, as aplicaes prticas, exemplos, exerccios propostos.
=== Descrio detalhada do Contedo ===
Nesse curso vamos ver todos os fundamentos de Blueprints para voc comear a criar seus prprios jogos. A Unreal Engine te permite criar jogos e projetos interativos, utilizando as mesmas ferramentas usadas por grandes estdos AAA e desenvolvedores indies em todo o mundo.
Vamos usar as Blueprints, sistema visual de script que dispensa o uso de programao.
Se voc quer iniciar sua carreira em desenvolvimento de jogos com uma das melhores engines do mercado, esse seu curso.
Vamos aprender sobre Variveis, Tipos de Eventos, Funes, Personagens, Comunicao entre Blueprints, Materiais, Timelines, Vetores, Personagem em Primeira e em Terceira Pessoa, Interfaces, e depois usar todo esse conhecimento para publicar nosso primeiro projeto para Windows.
Este curso no um tutorial que vai lhe mostrar apenas como criar um tipo de jogo.
A proposta te ensinar os fundamentos ANTES de comear a fazer o primeiro projeto.
Se voc j tem algum conhecimento, pode pular as aulas iniciais e ir direto para as aulas prticas.
=== O que preciso saber para comear o curso? ===
Voc no precisa de experincia prvia com jogos para acompanhar o curso.
Se voc nunca usou a Unreal Engine, voc pode ser matricular ao mesmo tempo no nosso curso Unreal Engine Essentials. um curso totalmente gratuito voltado para quem est usando a Game Engine pela primeira vez.
Nvel Iniciante - no se preocupe, vamos comear as aulas a partir dos fundamentos e conceitos bsicos.
Nvel Intermedirio - existem alguns conceitos e teorias que podem te ajudar. veja na lista de aulas todo o contedo do curso.
------Who this course is for:
- Indie Devs who want to learn Blueprints (Desenvolvedores de jogos indie que querem aprender sobre Blueprints)
- Professionals that want to create creative and interactive solutions (Profissionais que querem criar solues criativas e interativas)
- Artists that want to create their own Projects and Games (Artistas que querem prototipar seus prprios projetos e jogos)
- Blueprint beginners (Iniciantes no universo das Blueprints.)
Instructor Details
- 4.8 Rating
- 50 Reviews
Luccas Schmigel
3D artist fascinated by technology. Last year I worked on my 3 courses on Unreal Engine 4. I currently work on some projects for Unreal Engine Marketplace.
I work as a Freelancer, Teacher and #D VR Artist for Virtua Tech.
The courses I present are divided into 3 categories:
Essentials: Course that presents the essential tools and an overview about the subject. Perfect for beginners. Free and accessible to all.
Workshop: Course that shows a practical approach without focus on theoretical content. They teach a technique or pipeline from beginning to end.
Class: Course that shows a detailed approach of the proposed theme.
I believe that anyone can learn.
Bjarne Stroustrup, from his book Programming: Principles and Practice using C ++:
"More importantly, an understanding of ideals and reasons allows you to generalize From what you know to new situations, you can combine ideas and tools in innovative ways to address new problems. Knowing "why" is an essential part of programming skills acquisition, on the other hand, just memorizing many misunderstood rules and languages is limiting factor, a source of errors and a huge waste of time.We consider your precious time and try not to waste it. The fastest way to understand the real world code is through a good understanding of the fundamentals."
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