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Vue.js 2 Academy: Learn Vue Step by Step (Udemy.com)
Learn vuejs in a practical, project based approach. Also covers using the Vue-CLI & Firebase storage
Created by: Chris Dixon
Produced in 2018
What you will learn
- Understand the Vue framework
- Add vue js to existing web sites or apps
- Build complex, scalable single page applications
Quality Score
Overall Score : 92 / 100
Live Chat with CourseDuck's Co-Founder for Help
Course Description
Course updated:
October 17: New Section (Transitions & Animations)
September 17: New videos (Event bus & Adding mixins)
If you are unfamiliar with vue.js, or Javascript libraries and frameworks in general, some of the questions you may be asking is:
What is Vue.js?
And why should I learn it in the first place?
Vue.js is a really fun and easy to use Javascript framework for building user interfaces
The core of the framework is very lightweight and fast, and it can be used in projects of any size
From easily dropping it into an existing website or application to just control a part of it such as adding new components,
Right through to medium or large single page applications
Considering the lightweight size of the vue.js core, it is still packed full of features which you will learn about during this course.
During this course you will build 2 fun, exciting and challenging projects, to apply everything you will learn instantly.
We begin with a guest list app where users can add their name to an event guest list. This is a simple app but will guide you through all of the vue.js essentials such as:
- Two way data binding
- Event handling
- Templates and the Virtual DOM
- List & conditional rendering
- Binding attributes & styles
- The Vue instance
- Javascript expressions
- Instance properties: Data, Computed, Watchers, Methods, Filters etc
- Looping & filters
- Refs and other instance properties and methods
- Vue lifecycle
- Plus much more!
This project introduces more concepts such as:
- Components (local, global and single file)
- The Vue CLI for scaffolding projects with build tools such as Webpack & Babel
- Installing Node & NPM
- Passing data with $emit
- Storing & retrieving images from Firebase
- Props and prop validation
- Slots and slot scope
- Binding to menu options to change fonts & styles
- Event bus
- Mixins
- Plus much more!
Join me now and I look forward to having you on board!
Who this course is for:
- An existing website creator, designer, developer looking to learn a new Javascript framework
- Somebody looking to improve their Javascript knowledge
- Students who want to keep up with modern Javascript frameworks
- Anybody looking for an enjoyable, yet powerful tool for building both simple and complex web applications
Instructor Details
- 4.6 Rating
- 46 Reviews
Chris Dixon
Hello, My name is Chris and I am a web developer and online teacher. I am passionate about what I do and about teaching others. I have started various online and offline businesses.
Whatever your reason for learning to build websites you have made an excellent career choice.
My personal motivation was to become my own boss and have more freedom and flexibility in my life. I also enjoy the technical challenge it provides and the way it constantly evolves. I built my first website back in 1999 and i have watched the web evolve into what it is today.
I try to make my courses enjoyable and try to remember what it was like when I was learning. I also believe the best way to learn is by doing and try to include as many practical examples as possible in my courses.
Thanks for taking an interest and I look forward to you joining me.