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Vue.js: Build a Full Stack App With Firebase, Vuex & Router (Udemy.com)

Take your Javascript & Vue skills to the next level by learning state management, routing, authentication and Firebase!

Created by: Chris Dixon

Produced in 2022

What you will learn

  • Build full stack web apps
  • Confidently apply state management to projects with Vuex
  • Apply front end routing and routing concepts such as scroll behaviour and navigation guards
  • Integrate Firebase to projects for persistent data storage and authentication
  • Sync our Vuex store with Firebase using Vuexfire
  • Apply lazy loading and code splitting to applications

Quality Score

Content Quality
Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage

Overall Score : 94 / 100

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Course Description

If you have a little experience of building websites using Javascript or frameworks such as Vue.js, this course is the next step in your learning journey!
During this course, you will build a full stack project to push your skills even further and discover how to integrate state management, front end routing, databases, authentication and code splitting.


If you do not have any experience of Vue.js or a similar framework, I have a beginner friendly course also available:
Vue.js 2 Academy: Learn Vue Step by Step
You will build a pizza restaurant project from scratch which allows users to place an order from a menu section. These orders are then pushed to Firebase for persistent data storage.
We also create a admin section, where authorised users can add or remove menu items and manage any orders placed. these orders are also pushed to Firebase.
All of our pages are managed by the Vue Router and you will learn all about creating routes, navigation methods, nav guards, binding routes and different router modes.
This project also uses Vuex for state management. This will give our app a single store for all of our state, this will be also kept in sync with Firebase so we always have easy, local access to all of our data.
So if you are looking for a course to teach you how to build a full, feature packed project from scratch, then enrol today! Who this course is for:
  • Students looking to push their skills further by building a real full stack app
  • Anybody wanting to learn about integrating with Firebase for data storage
  • Students wanting to learn how to integrate Firebase authentication into web apps
  • Anybody with a little Javascript/Vue knowledge wanting to learn about third party packages such as Vuex, Vue Router

*Some courses are excluded from this sale. Coupon not working? If the link above doesn't drop prices, clear the cookies in your browser and then click this link here.
Also, you may need to apply the coupon code directly on the cart page to get the discount.

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Instructor Details

Chris Dixon

Hello, My name is Chris and I am a web developer and online teacher. I am passionate about what I do and about teaching others. I have started various online and offline businesses.
Whatever your reason for learning to build websites you have made an excellent career choice.
My personal motivation was to become my own boss and have more freedom and flexibility in my life. I also enjoy the technical challenge it provides and the way it constantly evolves. I built my first website back in 1999 and i have watched the web evolve into what it is today.
I try to make my courses enjoyable and try to remember what it was like when I was learning. I also believe the best way to learn is by doing and try to include as many practical examples as possible in my courses.
Thanks for taking an interest and I look forward to you joining me.



50 total reviews

5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete

actually it's a great course, I understood and learned how I can use all the functionality and methods in vue, vuex and router I got a more deep understanding of these. but I was hope that the project has more complicated features to use more and more of vue features. thanks, a lot of this course.

A very clean, smart and ready-to-go course in learning the basics of writing a fullstack vue app. It is very concise and compact, so you get results that can be reused very fast.I can definitely recommend it and am looking forward to other courses of this author!

Thanks for the course, it's neat and robust.

This has been the best course I have ever taken on Udemy -- hands down! Chris is a perfect teacher and this is literally the only course I have ever fully finished on Udemy with success. I've learned lots and will reference this course for future projects. The only thing I wish was included would be how to deploy the app we created. The build for this seems to be a bit different than what I've used in the past and I can't seem to deploy it properly. Other than that, fantastic course is fantastic! :)

Am Anfang etwas zu viel 'HTML abtippen' fr meinen Geschmack. Dann aber informativ und przise, zgig neue Features prsentierend wie von einem Fortgeschrittenen Kurs erwartet.

Firebase console is the old one so its irrelevant to how it performs now. Setting read/write conditions is a different process.

Interesting class, Chris explains things very clear and complete.

It was a great experience learning Vuejs along with Firebase connectivity. This course deserves 5 stars if the transcripts are fixed most are broken now.

Give a good example

Very informative

This is literally the most useful and practical course I've taken here on Udemy. I recommend this course though, AFTER taking a beginner course on Vue. Once you do that, this course puts all that stuff you learned to practice into one complete project. Chris put together a great project and does an awesome job at explaining every part of the application along the way. Highly recommend it.
