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Course Description
redux Awards Best Text Based Course
Trying to understand Redux, its really confusing how it all works. Especially as a beginner.So much terminology! Actions, reducers, action creators, middleware, pure functions, immutability, thunksHow does it all fit together with React to make a working app?You can spend hours reading blogs and trying to sift through complex real world apps trying to piece it together.In this Redux tutorial Im going to explain how to use Redux with React incrementally starting with plain React and a very simple React + Redux example. Ill explain why each feature is useful (and when you can skip some).Then well look at the more advanced topics, one-by-one, until you understand all of it. Here we go :)Quick warning though: this tutorial is compleeete. And by that I mean looong. I turned this into a full-fledged free course, and I made a nice-looking PDF you can read on your iPad or [whatever Android device is cool these days]. Drop your email in the box to get both right now.
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Dave Ceddia
Dave is a software engineer in the Boston area. These days he builds frontend UIs with React. A couple years ago it was Angular. Long ago, he wrote software in C and C++ (not even for the web).