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Android P with Machine Learning apps - 26+ projects in total (Udemy.com)

Master Android development with latest tech stack like Firebase, Sqlite, Machine Leaning etc

Created by: Igneus Technologies

Produced in 2018

What you will learn

  • Make any Android app
  • Publish apps on Google play store
  • You will be able to work for clients app
  • You will be able to apply for Jr. Android developer along with apps portfolio
  • Make money with Android apps

Quality Score

Content Quality
Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage

Overall Score : 84 / 100

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Course Description

Welcome to complete Android P development with machine Learning apps. A course that consists of 27 projects and counting.
Although this course is big, with over 120+ videos and 27 projects, Still the main goal of this course is to make you a job ready Android developer. We just wanted to make sure that after taking this course, you are ready to apply for Jr. Android developer or Jr. Android Engineer.

This course consists of only Android related videos and no fillers and unnecessary slow talking, like many other courses does to increase course time/length.
In this course, our primary focus is to understand many Android topics by creating apps, that include customisation. Because every Android project needs to look beautiful. We will start from basics like installation of required tools on MAC and WINDOWS. After that creating our very first Hello world project. But as we said, everything needs to be customised, so we will start customising things, right from 1st section.
This course covers a lot of Android components like Camera, Seekers, Volume Rockers, Date and Time pickers, Animation, Audio elements, Recycler and Card views, JSON, Handling API, Sqlite database, Firebase online database, Machine learning apps like Image and text recognition and a lot more. Here is a list of 27 Projects that we will be building in this course (All projects uses a lot of customisation to make sure that app looks beautiful):
  1. ProjectHello
  2. ProjectButton
  3. ProjectToast
  4. GradleProject
  5. ComponentTour
  6. DiceRoller
  7. FunBackground
  8. AnimatedLogins
  9. ButtonCustom
  10. TruthDate Game
  11. Auto Completion
  12. Quick Changer
  13. Burger Rating
  14. SeekBar
  15. Uploader
  16. DataeTimer picker
  17. Currency Converter
  18. Intents
  19. Drumpad App
  20. Exam Timer
  21. Music Player
  22. Recycler Cards
  23. SqliteDatabase - CRUD Todos
  24. JSON - gson and Volley and custom API
  25. API Handler - Custom API from web
  26. Weather MAP
  27. Face Detection
  28. Text Recognition

This course is packed with a lot of information and is a one stop solution for Android development. We can boldly say that after this course, you will never look back and will be a complete Android developer.

Catch you inside the course!Who this course is for:
  • Beginners who wants to master Android development

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Instructor Details

Igneus Technologies

We at Igneus have trained students from IIT's, NIT's and reputed companies. Students from all over the globe have trusted our High quality and affordable trainings from 10+ countries and have opted for our Certification programs.

IGNEUS stands for the Revolutionary and a quality enhanced change that we've tried to come up with in the modern world of Internet education. We've come up bearing in mind the maximum emphasis on the quality dealing with every new technology which has made us distinguished from the throng at internet. And this revolution of choice will keep continuing. Today IGNEUS Technologies has proudly lifting up the tag of being the world's most trusted provider of myriad of services and training programs aiding constantly in every corner of the globe along with web security aspects, and open source technology.

IGNEUS Technologies Pvt. Ltd is a dream shared and brought up by two computer geniuses to make the society upgraded and aware of the cyber crimes that curb the innocence of environment, thus starting a revolution in favor of cyber security.

Igneus stands for the Revolutionary and a quality enhanced change in every aspect of its touch to internet. Quality dealing with every new technology makes us different from the crowd of internet. The revolution of choice continues. Today Igneus Technologies is the world's most trusted provider of mentioned services and training along with web security aspect



36 total reviews

5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete
% Complete

Good Teaching

The instructor had explained the topics clearly.

I am a test engineer learning Android to deliver a personal project. I can say this course is really good, it may seem too basic at first but the repetition really helps a lot until you get to the more advanced topics like Api handling, Recycling views and databases. The Firebase section is a stand out for me, its really good.

machine learning should have been emphasised more

I enjoyed this course a lot. Hitesh is a great instructor.

Yes it goes into a good level of detail but is also fast paced and very informative about a very wide ranging subject

i didn't got reply for the questions i asked , no help at all

Better For Beginner Who Wants to Learn Android Developement

Great course for absolute beginners as there are quick takeaways.

hitesh sir is amazing!

*Don't buy*if it would be possible i would give him (minus)5 star, because he just read out the documents available online. You can learn more from YouTube and other websites without spending a single penny. And don't think that he would teach you how to implement machine learning in Android, he just copied the official tutorials that are available in Firebase tutorial. Believe me, this course doesn't worth a single money. He just modified a single simple project in many times to make it 26+ projects. go to YouTube, official documents, or wherever you want you will learn more than this....He doesn't know many things,Throughout this course he just promoted his YouTube channel and website.*here is a tip for you, If you really like the Headline of this course , then take this project and note down the syllabus,topics and download other assets, and go to YouTube search for the same topic and learn from there and take back your money before 30 days*

The class is okay. It teaches you tricks and basics enough to make an Android app, but clearly not in-depth and comprehensive enough for you to make just any Android app you want. That will require a lot of self-study or another in-depth course. What I think the course can be improved on is to explain why the instructor does what he does, the logic behind it, and explain his code more than just typing. One thing I absolutely dislike is how he says just copy and paste the code here and there. That doesn't help and sometimes can be very confusing if the students want to understand the implementation to make further changes on their own. I would suggest adding supplementary or optional videos to explain the codes for people who are interested in learning more. Moreover, the instructor is not really interactive with the students and I see a lot of questions are left hanging with 0 help or replies. The last thing is just my personal preference but I would rather the instructor not repeating "follow my youtube channel" at the end for almost every video. It doesn't affect the quality much, but I would prefer not to have it repeating.Overall, I think if you just want to make basic app and games, then this course is for you, but if you want more serious/formal/in-depth knowledge for school/career then this will definitely not be enough.