Building Functional Prototypes using Node.js
Learn the basics of back-end web development as you create a simple web application server using Node.js.
Created by: Bre'Ana Deen
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Overall Score : 0 / 100
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Course Description
In this course, you'll learn all about back-end web development so that you can turn a basic web app prototype into something that can store live data. We'll cover the basics of Node.js so that you can write JavaScript code to build the back-end of your app, as well as the basics of SQL and SQLite to write queries to work with a database. By the end of this course, you'll have a functional web app prototype that can be accessed on the Web.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
Distinguish between front-end and back-end within the context of web app development
Create a back-end web server using Node.js
Understand the uses and types of databases and DBMSs
Construct SQL queries to perform CRUD operations on a database
Deploy a web app on Azure
Module 1 - Intro to Back-End Web Development
Module 2 - Building a Web App Server using Node.js
Module 3 - Working with a Database
Module 4 - Deploying a Web App on Azure
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
Distinguish between front-end and back-end within the context of web app development
Create a back-end web server using Node.js
Understand the uses and types of databases and DBMSs
Construct SQL queries to perform CRUD operations on a database
Deploy a web app on Azure
Module 1 - Intro to Back-End Web Development
Module 2 - Building a Web App Server using Node.js
Module 3 - Working with a Database
Module 4 - Deploying a Web App on Azure
Instructor Details
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Bre'Ana Deen
Bre'Ana Deen is a Content Developer at Microsoft Learning. She has a degree in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and started her career at Microsoft as a software engineer. Her passion for teaching led her to Microsoft Learning where she focuses on computer science courses for new programmers. She also teaches computer science at a local high school outside of work.