C# Advanced Topics - The Next Logical Step (Udemy.com)
Learn advanced topics of the C# language like LINQ, Lambda, Extension Methods, Generics, Delegates, Events and more!
Created by: Tod Vachev
Produced in 2022
What you will learn
- You will be able to read and create LINQ Queries
- You will understand what is a Lambda Expression and use it in various scenarios
- You will be able to apply LINQ Queries with Lambda Operators
- You will be able to Extend base types and custom objects with Extension Methods
- Understand and Work with Generic Methods and Classes
- Understand and Apply Delegates in Real-World Scenarios
- Work with Built in Delegates - Func and Action
- More Complex Delegates with Lambda Expressions/Anonymous Methods
- You will be able to create Events to decouple Code
- The Anatomy of Events
- Passing Additional Information through Events
- Asynchronous Programing with Asynchronous Methods
Quality Score
Overall Score : 86 / 100
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Course Description
The course is aimed at students that have some coding experience in general and with C# in particular, as well as some Object Oriented Programming experience. Not all topics require OOP knowledge, but it will be easier for you to understand those that do.
The topics that we are covering are:
- LINQ - LINQ is kind of a language within the C# language, it has its own syntax, but its very easy and very enjoyable to use. LINQ is used to work on collections like arrays and lists, either to order them, or to extract information from them in many many many different ways. You will learn how apply LINQ filters on base type collections like integers and strings aswell as on collections of custom types that you have created.
- Lambda Expressions with LINQ methods - you will finally learn what a Lambda Expression is and how to apply it, in particular we will use it to perform LINQ operations with even less code, and later we will use it with Delegates and Events
- Extension Methods - this is one of the coolest features of C#, they allow you to extend built in types and classes that you have no access to. For example the int[] has no built in method for sorting or reversing, we will learn how to do this!
- Generic Methods and Classes - this is where things start to get tricky and a little bit complicated, but you should not be scared as I have prepared a couple of well explained examples that will answer all of the questionmarks in your head about Generics. Spoiler alert: we will create our very own List class! :)
- Delegates - the simplest way in which a delegate can be described is, methods as variables, and that is just incredible. How? Well, you will understand soon enough!
- Events - events are the next piece of the puzzle after Delegates, Events help us keep our code decoupled by creating non-coupled connections between classes
- Asynchronous Programming - asynchronous programming is a complex and frustrating topic, here we will learn how to make code that takes a lot of time to execute run on the background, while our main code continues executing
The answer is very simple, in this course you will get every single lecture systemized in such way, that it ensures smooth transition between the previous and the following topic. Guaranteeing great learning experience.
There are no stones left unturned, everything is explained in great detail (but not too much, that would be boring :) )
The video lectures in the course are produced with the highest possible audio and video quality. No static noises to disturb you while you watch the videos, no blurry images, everything is crystal clear with crisp audio!Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to improve their C# skills with New, Interesting and Challenging topics
- Anyone who just finished Object Oriented Programming Training and is looking for the next step
Instructor Details

- 4.3 Rating
74 Reviews
Tod Vachev
I have graduated at Technical University of Varna as a Robotics Engineer. With several years of experience as a Passionate Developer and Engineer, I am now an Online Entrepreneur. Teaching is one of my passions, and what better and more impactful way to teach, than to do it online with thousands of students?
Currently focusing on providing quality education to tens of thousands of students across the globe, on subjects including:
- Programming, focusing on the C# Programming Language
- MATLAB, because this is a scientific tool that no scientist can do without
- Running Online Businesses that Earn Passive Income
For the past four years I have focused on the above and I have never stepped into the 9 to 5 world, I have worked in a company only once in my entire life and it lasted only 2 months. That's when I realized that, I can't learn the things that I want and I can't buy the things that I want buy working for someone else. You should start working for yourself aswell!
It does not matter if you want to become a developer or to run niche sites around the web, you can do both of these things in your own time as a freelancer or a business owner. And I can teach you how to do both of these things.
A little more about me:
I love tinkering with mechanics and