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Git for WordPress Developers (Udemy.com)
Automating WordPress Version control
Created by: Richard Miles
Produced in 2016
What you will learn
- Set up Git for a WordPress theme
- Maintain WordPress plugins in Git
- Automate, manage and migrate a WordPress database with Version control
- Effectively manage WordPress file uploads in a version controlled environment
Quality Score
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Qualified Instructor
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Course Depth & Coverage
Overall Score : 82 / 100
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Course Description
There are a few simple truths that remain consistent despite the pace at which technology advances in the web development industry.
One of which is version control.
In this course I would like to take you through how to properly navigate, Git a system of version control for every aspect of your WordPress site including themes, plugins the database and uploads.
We will also dive into the command line moving away from graphical user interfaces, so to leverage the power of git and bash scripting.
In this course we will be covering how to:
I have no doubt that if you are a WordPress developer and you are not currently using version control everyday that this course will be a massive additional bonus to your skill-set.
Who this course is for:
One of which is version control.
In this course I would like to take you through how to properly navigate, Git a system of version control for every aspect of your WordPress site including themes, plugins the database and uploads.
We will also dive into the command line moving away from graphical user interfaces, so to leverage the power of git and bash scripting.
In this course we will be covering how to:
- Create a Free Account on Github
- Install Git on a machine
- Setup Version control on a WordPress site locally
- Some basic bash scripting for git and WordPress
- Properly link a local git repository to Github
- The logistics of pushing and pulling to Github using nothing but the command line
- How to properly setup javascript, css and task management dependencies for version control in WordPress
- Write a portable bash script that can automatically download and install plugins as well as import and export a WordPress database
- How to link a WordPress site to a Content Delivery Network for free, to simplify upload management and speed up your site dramatically
I have no doubt that if you are a WordPress developer and you are not currently using version control everyday that this course will be a massive additional bonus to your skill-set.
Who this course is for:
- Intermediate - Senior WordPress Developers
Instructor Details
- 4.1 Rating
- 10 Reviews
Richard Miles
Richard is a Web Developer from Cape Town. He is passionate about learning and implementing new technology in the world of API's, web and mobile application development. With a focus on WordPress and Django. Richard is also a BMUS graduate who enjoys gaming, galavanting around Cape Town and craft beer.