Learn Advanced C# Scripting in Unity 5 for Games (Udemy.com)

Learn advanced and powerful C# scripting techniques for building professional-grade games in Unity

Created by: 3dmotive LLC

Produced in 2016

What you will learn

  • Understand the mathematics behind 3D games to create motion, animation and believable behaviours
  • See real-world case studies in applying C# to solve game development problems
  • Develop time-saving techniques for building complex gameplay mechanics

Quality Score

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Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage

Overall Score : 90 / 100

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Course Description

Learn how to create believable game worlds and behaviours by scripting gameplay in C#. In this comprehensive 3dmotive course targeted at intermediate users, instructor Alan Thorn demonstrates advanced C# scripting techniques and their underlying concepts for solving real-world development problems. Understand core mathematical ideas, like Vectors and Quaternions, for making objects move, rotate and change predictably. See how to apply C# for implementing line of sight functionality, artificial intelligence, collision detection and lots more. In addition, see how to work with large amounts of data, how to understand coordinate systems and spatial problems, and how to customize the Unity editor to work the way you need it to. By the end of this course you'll have established a highly valuable foundation for coding confidently with C# to develop sophisticated games that are impressive - and marketable.
(Students - please look under Section 1 / Lecture 1 downloads for the source files associated with the lesson.)
More about the Instructor:
Alan Thorn is a game developer, author and educator with 15 years industry experience. He makes games for PC desktop, Mobile and VR. He founded 'Wax Lyrical Games' and created the award-winning game 'Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok', working as designer, programmer and artist. He has written sixteen technical books on game development and presented ten video training courses, covering game-play programming, Unity development, and 3D modelling. He has worked in game development education as a visiting lecturer for the 'National Film and Television School', as a Lead Teacher for 'Uppingham School', and is currently a Senior Lecturer at 'Teesside University' where he helps students develop the skills needed for their ideal role in the games industry.Who this course is for:
  • Indie Developers, Game Development Students, Hobbyists and Professionals seeking to improve their skillset
  • This course is not intended for beginners!

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Instructor Details

3dmotive LLC

3dmotive is High Quality 3d and Game Art Training by Industry Pros! Whether you are brand new to the world of Game Art, 3d, Architecture or Film - or maybe just interested in brushing up your techniques for intermediate or advanced levels of 3d with a focus on video games, 3dmotive is your one-stop-shop for all your 3d and Game Art related tutorials! Got questions? Interested in a new course topic? Let us know!



99 total reviews

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By Melbourne Charm on 2 months ago

I need this guy to just get super extensive with his courses he's the best teacher I've seen online and I need him to teach like, Everything to do with Unity/C#

By David Schneider on 4 months ago

Most of the topics are rather basic. Sometimes there appears something more advanced, and those topics are then not explained in enough detail. While I like that it's not like in other courses, where the instructor just writes some code and doesn't really explain what's going on, this instructor has most of the code already written out and just walks you through it, which is also a bit of a lazy concept in my opinion. It works okay so far, but in some cases I wish the instructor would show more in depth explanations. Also: Questions on the comments get absolutely ignored as far as I can tell.

By Kaleb Ehlert on 6 months ago

The course contains detailed math on 3d video games.

By Calin on 8 months ago

Very informative. I already knew most of the stuff except the AI part. Even during the parts that I was familiar with I still learned a few things.One thing to keep in mind is that for each approach that the lecturer is describing there is more then one way to do it but it is very interesting to see and learn other ways to do the same thing.Congrats to the lecturer that he was able to keep this course very interesting and, in my opinion, the fact that there are actually no errors of compilation or any errors in logic when he does the presentation it is simply admirable.I actually did this course in one day, one sitting minus a 1hour break for lunch. Yes it was that INTERESTING even though I knew most of the material. Normally I would have gave up or fell asleep, but not in this case.Thanks for the interesting course, very well documented and explained.

By Hao Shi on 8 months ago

It clears up many of my confusions in regard of rotations and whatnot. I have been programming in Unity for 1 year already, and I never learnt how rotations work until now. I am sure there are other places that you can learn rotations from, and I should have tried that ealier, but this course summarizes all the possible rotations you may encounter with, like rotating at a constant speed, slerp, and whatnot, I feel like I am now comfortable implementing them now. One suggestion I have tho, is about Slerp, it's not that well explained, because I did some extra study on what the 3rd parameter is actually doing, which basically defines how much (in percentage) each time step it's gonna rotate towards the target, so if it's a 0, it won't rotate at all, if it's a 1, it rotates to target immediately, if that number is not a const, and gets incremented over time, it's gonna rotate faster over time. The reason in the video, the instructor is using 1 - Time.deltatime * damping is, if you want more damping, you increase the damping value, but in result, it's gonna be faster, so you use it's compliment to make it slower as its value goes up. Overall, the rest of the contents are a little bit basic.

By Yvan Genesse on 10 months ago

Looks like good info,I Have applied to unity 2018 , posted and upgrade in Q & A, however the info is great so far Step 1 to 3 Have converted perfectly if you follow my upgrade methode, love the info, awesome in its teachings. Woop Woop love it so far , I'm still following it, good info

By William Molloy on 4 months ago

Great course, very good presentation and very easy to follow

By Minesh Ghimire on 8 months ago

better classroom, cheers!

By Fang Ye on 11 months ago

very comprehensive ,coverred lots useful unity skills tips/knowledge area in the real world developement , some area can be more in-depth like the object pool.

By Sean Nowotny on 11 months ago

I purchased this course because I had difficulty with rotations in Unity and this course's section on that topic helped me a great deal to understand rotations a lot better.I was pleasantly surprised overall.The other sections of this course, while mostly basic also provided great insights.There are only some nitpicky things which could have been better.I would have preferred if the instructor would have always written the code live instead of presenting it in it's completed state even if that would have taken more time.The instructor used pascal case nearly exclusively even on private variables which you always have to look out for.Sometimes the code elements such as methods were in bad order.Sometimes undescriptive variable naming such as "C" for colider or "GO" for gameObject were used.Another tip for readability: Use spaces between operators such as = / *... and I find if-else statements to be a lot better for readability than those odd return statements which are reminiscent of goto.Thank you for this great course. It is obvious that a lot of work went into it!

By Billy Abston on 11 months ago

No this isn't a good match for me. So far its more of "Watch what I made" and not "Lets make this together"It's still "Watch what I made", but the content is getting better. More interesting topics.

By Alexander De Jeso on 9 months ago

So far it is a really good course about the movement of capsule objects