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Learn Android Application Development (Udemy.com)

Udemy hosts this 27-hour course to introduce developers to the core concepts of building apps for Android. Its a simplified but powerful look at a step-by-step approach to making android apps and mastering the many tools attached to the process.

Created by: Johan Jurrius - ProgramMe Programming

Produced in 2018

What you will learn

  • Basics of Java
  • Creating a first application
  • Intents
  • Fragments
  • Saving data locally
  • Widgest
  • Backendless and saving data online

Quality Score

Content Quality
Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage

Overall Score : 0 / 100

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Need help deciding on a android development course? Or looking for more detail on Johan Jurrius - ProgramMe Programming's Learn Android Application Development? Feel free to chat below.
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Course Description

android development Awards Best Practical Course

Android accounts for approximately 85% of all devices sold today (2017 Q1). It only makes sense for you to be developing applications for the Android platform.I will take you through the basics of Android Application development, and introduce some more complex features as well. This includes the following:An extensive look at the Java programming languageIntroduction to Android, installing Android Studio.Create your first Android Application, learn to debug the application and learn how to create a signed APK that you can submit to the play store.Working with implicit and explicit intentsDetailed example of how to work with FragmentsLearn some customizations like a custom ListView, Toast, TextView and ActionBarLearn how to save data to the phone in the form of SharedPreferences, Files and SQLiteLearn how to implement Android 6 PermissionsRead data from a RSS feed and sending SMSes programmaticallyLearn how to save data online and do user management with Backendless (MBAAS)By completing this course, you will have more than just basic knowledge of Android Application Development.Join this course now!



    • This is where you can get your initial start to developing for Android. If this is your first foray, youll still be fine.
    • Despite being beginner-level, the course offers considerable depth of information and skill development.
    • Course does a great job of focusing on the most universal tools and lessons for app development.
    • While being aimed for beginners, students with programming, and especially Java, backgrounds will have a much easier time.
    • Students have mentioned frequent issues with video quality. Images can be blurred at times.
    • While the course is available in multiple languages, it was designed in English. Alternative language translations can have issues.

*Some courses are excluded from this sale. Coupon not working? If the link above doesn't drop prices, clear the cookies in your browser and then click this link here.
Also, you may need to apply the coupon code directly on the cart page to get the discount.

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Instructor Details

Johan has been in the teaching profession now for 16 years teaching Mathematics, Java application development and Android application development. He loves to teach people new skills and will go the extra mile for people willing to work hard to pass his courses. He studied Information Technology and obtained his BSc degree in Information Technology in 2001 and his BSc Honors degree in Information Technology in 2002. He started his teaching career in 2003 and in 2007 obtained his Post Graduate Certificate in Education. In January 2016 he obtained his Masters Degree in Education.



0 total reviews

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By Dunia Yusuf on 04/13/2020

This is an excellent course, and the presenter is demonstrates mastery of of the subject matter as well as excellent teaching skills. All the videos are high quality productions.

By Aaron Dang on 04/04/2020

Good, but was light on Java Basics. I had to do another course on Java (particularly to understand interfaces and nested classes) before returning to this course

By Michael Chand on 04/11/2020

I started this course thinking the 'Beginner' in the course title will introduce me to the usual how to code in java, then some basic on certain features like how to show image, text fields, etc. What I got was a really amazing combination of many android features and how the Android system works (almost a top down). If I were to study Android from scratch, I would not have covered this many features because quite simply, I wouldn't know what to learn apart from features of the project for which I was learning this for.

By Abdurahaman Alabdali on 04/20/2020

Yes, it was a very clear explanation and good material.

By Deeksha Lala on 03/23/2020

It covered many topics but the course seemed to rush a little bit.

By Shubham Sarawagi on 04/01/2020

I am a beginner and this course helped me to get a kick start for my App Development journey

By Silver Cowell on 12/26/2019

Excellent course, very clear but better if you already know java. It was the first course for me. I learned a lot, thanks to Mr. Johan Jurrius and thanks for giving Udemy this course free and rich. After this course, you can easily start the high-level courses.

By Bruno Pilats on 05/10/2020

I found the course to be very good. Not too long ago I was given a chance to complete the Google's official course on Coursera which I managed till just about more than a half only - due to my daily full time job requirements. Have to be honest and say that this course is as good as if not even better at explaining some particular subjects related to the Android App Dev!

By Raymond Rugamalira on 02/12/2020

It is indeed a good match. It has helped me revive my java skills and has allowed me to learn how to use Android Studio to create a simple app.

By Jai supreeth mk on 04/16/2020

If i become something great, it will always be because of you and might come find you and meet you wherever in this world

By Muhammad Junaid Javed on 01/01/2020

It's a very practical course that gives you a good exposure to how things work out there in the business world.

By Anuary Mulombi on 01/03/2020

The tutor is so audible, elaborative and straight to the point. Its such understandable and amazing beginning of the course. It has indeed been a good startup course for me. You guys have good tutors