What you will learn
- Learn Complete Data Science skillset required to be a Data Scientist with all the advance concepts
- Master Python Programming from Basics to advance as required for Data Science and Machine Learning
- Learn complete Mathematics of Linear Algebra, Calculus, Vectors, Matrices for Data Science and Machine Learning.
- Become an expert in Statistics including Descriptive and Inferential Statistics.
- Learn how to analyse the data using data visualization with all the necessary charts and plots
- Perform data Processing using Pandas and ScikitLearn
- Master Regression with all its parameters and assumptions
- Solve a Kaggle project and see how to achieve top 1 percentile
- Learn various classification algorithms such as Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Support Vector Machines
- Get complete understanding of deep learning using Keras and Tensorflow
- Become the Pro by learning Feature Selection and Dimensio
Quality Score
Overall Score : 90 / 100
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Instructor Details

- 4.5 Rating
44 Reviews
Jitesh Khurkhuriya
Learner and knowledge seeker for life with 20 years of technology experience.
As a Data Scientist, my first experience with "Big Data and Analytics" was in 2008. It was not called so during those days. :) Was member of the high-profile team to suggest tax reforms and amendments in VAT, Customs and Income Tax based on fraud pattern analysis, countrywide data mining and analysis, business process security analysis. This not only contributed to a revolutionary change in the tax processes but also reduced the tax and customs frauds.
As a seasoned leader in Digital Transformation, I develop, negotiate and execute strategies that generate high top and bottom line revenue streams. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as well as multiple government agencies.
I have always believed that technology need not be a big hammer but simply an enabler and problem solver.
We are Jitesh's Data Science and Machine Learning Assistant team. We are on a mission to help you understand the Data Science and Machine Learning in the simplest possible way. Jitesh has over 20 years of Technology experience and more than a decade of Data Science and Machine Learning experience with various Fortune 500 companies as well as few governments across the globe.
We help create various courses in the Data Science domain and one of the leading training providers.
You will hear from us socially and during the Q&A.
See you in the class and enjoy learning Data Science and Machin
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