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Modern Java - Learn Java 8 features by coding it (Udemy.com)
Learn Lambdas, Streams , new Date APIs, Optionals and Parallel programming in Java 8 by coding it.
Created by: Dilip S
Produced in 2022
What you will learn
- Complete understanding of Lambdas, Streams , Optional via code.
- Students will be able to implement the new Java 8 concepts in real time
- Learn to build complex Streams Pipeline.
- Learn the new Date/Time Libraries in Java 8.
- Learn to use Method Reference , Constructor reference syntax.
- Learn and understand Parallel Programming with the Streams.
- Student will be able to upgrade their Java knowledge with the new Functional Features.
- This course will be continuously updated.
Quality Score
Overall Score : 92 / 100
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Course Description
Why Should I take this course ?
- This course will help the Java developers to build their knowledge on the new Java 8 features.
- All the new features such as Lambdas, Streams , Optionals, Functional Interfaces and Parallel Programming will be explained via code.
- This course will give you the confidence on implementing new Java 8 features in real Java projects.
- By the end of this course you will have a complete understanding of new Java 8 functional features.
Section 1 - Getting Started:
- This section explains about what will be covered in this course.
- This section covers Why Java 8 is important?.
- This section explains about difference between Imperative Programming and Declarative Programming.
- This section covers the installation of Java and IntelliJ in Mac and Windows.
- This section covers the Why Lambda is needed , Lambdas Syntax and How to implement Lambdas ?
- Implement the Runnable interface using Lambdas.
- Implement the Comparator interface using Lambdas.
- This section covers the new Functional Interfaces that got introduced as part of Java 8.
- Consumer Functional Interface
- Predicate Functional Interface
- Function Functional Interface
- Supplier Functional Interface.
- This section covers the new Method Reference and the Constructor Reference.
- How Method Reference simplifies the code.
- How to use Method reference along with Lambdas.
- How to use Constructor Reference to create new objects.
- This section covers the local variable and how it should used in Lambdas.
- Definition of Effectively Final scope of a variable.
- This section covers the Streams API which is one of the important feature that got introduced as part of Java8.
- How the Stream API Works Internally ?
- How Collections are different from Streams ?
- How to debug a Stream ?
- This section covers different Streams API operations that can be used in Streams to achieve an objective.
- Streams Operations such as :
- map()
- flatMap()
- distinct()
- count()
- filter()
- reducer()
- Map, Filter and Reduce pattern.
- max()
- min()
- limit()
- skip()
- allMatch(), anyMatch() and noneMatch()
- findAny() and findFirst()
- Explanation of Stream operations that are Short Circuit operations.
- This section covers different Streams API factory method that can be used to create Streams.
- This section covers the Introduction to Numeric Streams which can be used to perform some numeric related operations.
- This section covers different way to collect the data from the Streams Pipeline.
- Terminal Operations such as :
- joining()
- counting()
- mapping()
- max(), min()
- sum()
- average()
- groupingBy()
- partitioningBy()
- This section covers how to perform the Parallel processing using Streams.
- How Parallel Programming makes use of the processors in your machine to perform concurrency operations?
- How Parallel Programming works internally ?
- How to check the performance between the sequential and parallel programming ?
- Scenarios when not to use parallel programming.
- This section covers What is Optional and the benefits of Optional.
- How Optional can help you avoid Null Pointer exception.
- Exploring the different operations that are part of Optional such as :
- empty()
- ofNullable()
- of()
- orElse()
- orElseGet()
- orElseThrow()
- isPresent()
- ifPresent()
- map()
- flatMap()
- filter()
- This section covers new Date/Time Libraries such as LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime.
- How to create/edit the LocalDate,LocalTime and LocalDateTime instances using different approaches.
- How to find the difference between the LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime using Period, Duration.
- How to represent the time in the Machine Readable Format using Instant.
- How to use the TimeZone using the ZonedDateTime.
- How to Format the Date using the DateTimeFormatter.
- Anyone willing to learn the new Java Features like Lambdas, Streams, Parallel Programming, New Data Time Libraries and etc.,
- Java developers who would like to take their knowledge to the next level to write more concise and readable code
Instructor Details
![Dilip S](/programming/java/images/udemy_java_img_43.jpg)
- 4.6 Rating
48 Reviews
Dilip S
Dilip is a software Engineer and tech savvy who have experience building software's since 2008.
He has a lot of passion towards learning new technologies, staying up to date with the all the new technologies, tools, frameworks and more. He would love to share the knowledge to the world and that's one of the key reasons to be in the Online Teaching Industry.
He loves interacting with other software developers. He believes the fact that interacting with software developers helps sharing the knowledge and learning from them.
During the leisure time I would love to play cricket , watch movies and working out in the gym to have a balance between physical and mental strength.
Dilip has a youtube channel named "Code With Dilip" where he had been sharing lot of technical content related to languages, framework, best practices and more.
-- D S.