18 Best + Free Flutter Courses & Certificates [2021]
- 1. Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide [2021 Edition] [Udemy]
- 2. The Complete 2022 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart [Udemy]
- 3. Flutter & Dart - The Complete Flutter App Development Course [Udemy]
- 4. Dart and Flutter: The Complete Developer's Guide [Udemy]
- 5. Mobile E-Commerce with Flutter, Redux, and Stripe [Udemy]
- 6. Flutter & Firebase: Build a Complete App for iOS & Android [Udemy]
- 7. The Complete Flutter App Development Course for Android, iOS [Udemy]
- 8. Build a Social Network with Flutter and Firebase [Udemy]
- 9. Flutter intermediate course learn new widgets [Udemy]
- 10. Flutter - Intermediate [Udemy]
As featured on Harvard EDU, Stackify and Inc - CourseDuck identifies and rates the Best Flutter Courses, Tutorials, Providers and Certifications, based on 12,000+ student reviews, public mentions, recommendations, ratings and polling 5,000+ highly active StackOverFlow members. Learn more
💻 Which Flutter Course Provider is best for me?
- Udemy and Eduonix are best for practical, low cost and high quality Flutter courses.
- Coursera, Udacity and EdX are the best providers for a Flutter certificate, as many come from top Ivy League Universities.
- YouTube is best for free Flutter crash courses.
- PluralSight, SkillShare and LinkedIn are the best monthly subscription platforms if you want to take multiple Flutter courses.
- Independent Providers for Flutter courses & certificates are generally hit or miss.
💼 What is Flutter used for?
If you want to show your product to investors as soon as possible, Flutter is a good choice. Here are my top 4 reasons to use it for your MVP: It's cheaper to develop a mobile application with Flutter because you don't need to create and maintain two mobile apps (one for iOS and one for Android).
📃 Is a Flutter Certificate worth it?
Yes and No. Certified Flutter developers on average make more money. Having a Flutter certificate greatly increases the chance of landing an interview and can open otherwise closed doors. Coursera, Udacity and EdX offer excellent certificate options for impressing your future employers. Eduonix, Udemy and several other providers offer certificates, but they aren't as reputable. If you have a Computer Science Degree, certificates are not as important. Still, many employers won't care about certificates, but rather your interview skills, experience and/or skills assessment.
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11 Filtered Courses
1 )
Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide [2021 Edition] (2022)
The entire course was completely re-recorded and updated - it's totally up-to-date with the latest version of Flutter!
With the latest update, Ialso added Push Notifications and Image Upload!---Join the most comprehensive &bestselling Flutter course and learn how to build amazing iOSand Android apps!
You don't need to learn Android/Java and iOS/Swiftto build real native mobile apps!
Flutter - a framework developed by Google - allows you to learn one language(Dart) and build beautiful native mobile apps in no time. Flutter is a SDKproviding the tooling to compileDart code into native code and it also gives you a rich set of pre-built and pre-styled UIelements (so called widgets)which you can use to compose your user interfaces.
Flutter is extremelytrending and gets used for major Google apps like their Adwords app - it's now marked as "ready for production", hence now is the time to jump in and learn it!
This course will teach Flutter & Dart from scratch, NOprior knowledge of either of the two is required!
And you certainly don't need any Android or iOSdevelopment experience since the whole idea behind Flutter is to only learn one language.
You'll learn Flutter not only in theory but we'll build a complete, realistic app throughout this course. This app will feature both all the core basics as well as advanced features like using Google Maps, the device camera, adding animations and more!
With Flutter, you'll be able to write code only once and ship your apps both to the Apple AppStore and Google Play.
Use Google's Material Design to build beautiful, yet fully customizable, apps in no time with almost zero effort. You can use the rich widget suite Flutter provides to add common UIelements like buttons, switches, forms, toolbars, lists and more - or you simply build your own widgets - Flutter makes that a breeze, too.
Here's what's included in the course:
Detailed setup instructions for both macOS and WindowsAthorough introduction to Flutter, Dart and the concept behind widgetsAn overview of the built-in widgets and how you may add your own onesDebugging tipps&tricksPage navigation with tabs, side drawers and stack-based navigationState management solutionsHandling and validatinguser inputConnecting your Flutter app to backend servers by sending Http requestsUser authenticationAdding Google MapsUsing native device features like the cameraAdding beautiful animations &page transitionsImage UploadPush Notifications - manual approach and automatedHow to publish your app to the app storesAnd more!
This course is for you if ...
You're interested in building real native mobile apps for the two most popular mobile platforms - iOSand AndroidYou want to explore the full set of features Flutter offersDon't want to spend hours learning two completely different languagesCourse prerequisites:
Basic programming language knowledgewill help a lot but is not a hard requirementYou DON'Tneed to know Flutter or DartYou DON'Tneed to know iOS (Swift/ObjectiveC)or Android(Java)Who this course is for:
Beginner and experienced developers who are interested in diving into mobile app development using one language for both platformsExperienced iOS or Android developers who want to build cross-platform (iOS + Android) apps with one single programming language
With the latest update, Ialso added Push Notifications and Image Upload!---Join the most comprehensive &bestselling Flutter course and learn how to build amazing iOSand Android apps!
You don't need to learn Android/Java and iOS/Swiftto build real native mobile apps!
Flutter - a framework developed by Google - allows you to learn one language(Dart) and build beautiful native mobile apps in no time. Flutter is a SDKproviding the tooling to compileDart code into native code and it also gives you a rich set of pre-built and pre-styled UIelements (so called widgets)which you can use to compose your user interfaces.
Flutter is extremelytrending and gets used for major Google apps like their Adwords app - it's now marked as "ready for production", hence now is the time to jump in and learn it!
This course will teach Flutter & Dart from scratch, NOprior knowledge of either of the two is required!
And you certainly don't need any Android or iOSdevelopment experience since the whole idea behind Flutter is to only learn one language.
You'll learn Flutter not only in theory but we'll build a complete, realistic app throughout this course. This app will feature both all the core basics as well as advanced features like using Google Maps, the device camera, adding animations and more!
With Flutter, you'll be able to write code only once and ship your apps both to the Apple AppStore and Google Play.
Use Google's Material Design to build beautiful, yet fully customizable, apps in no time with almost zero effort. You can use the rich widget suite Flutter provides to add common UIelements like buttons, switches, forms, toolbars, lists and more - or you simply build your own widgets - Flutter makes that a breeze, too.
Here's what's included in the course:
Detailed setup instructions for both macOS and WindowsAthorough introduction to Flutter, Dart and the concept behind widgetsAn overview of the built-in widgets and how you may add your own onesDebugging tipps&tricksPage navigation with tabs, side drawers and stack-based navigationState management solutionsHandling and validatinguser inputConnecting your Flutter app to backend servers by sending Http requestsUser authenticationAdding Google MapsUsing native device features like the cameraAdding beautiful animations &page transitionsImage UploadPush Notifications - manual approach and automatedHow to publish your app to the app storesAnd more!
This course is for you if ...
You're interested in building real native mobile apps for the two most popular mobile platforms - iOSand AndroidYou want to explore the full set of features Flutter offersDon't want to spend hours learning two completely different languagesCourse prerequisites:
Basic programming language knowledgewill help a lot but is not a hard requirementYou DON'Tneed to know Flutter or DartYou DON'Tneed to know iOS (Swift/ObjectiveC)or Android(Java)Who this course is for:
Beginner and experienced developers who are interested in diving into mobile app development using one language for both platformsExperienced iOS or Android developers who want to build cross-platform (iOS + Android) apps with one single programming language
What You'll Learn
- Learn Flutter and Dart from the ground up, step-by-step
- Build engaging native mobile apps for both Android and iOS
- Use features like Google Maps, the device camera, authentication and much more!
- Learn how to upload images and how to send manual and automated push notifications
- Learn all the basics without stopping after them: Dive deeply into Flutter & Dart and become an advanced developer
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The Complete 2022 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart (2022)
Welcome to the Complete Flutter App Development Bootcamp with Dart - created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team.
Now includes a brand new module on Flutter State Management!
Covering all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development, this is the most comprehensive Flutter course available online. We built this course over months, perfecting the curriculum together with the Flutter team to teach you Flutter from scratch and make you into a skilled Flutter developer with a strong portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps.
Our complete Flutter development bootcamp teaches you how to code using Dartandbuildbeautiful, fast, native-qualityiOS and Android apps. Even if you haveZEROprogramming experience.
I'll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Flutter developer.
The course includes 28+ hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real world apps. e.
g. Whatsapp, QuizUp andYahoo Weather.
By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Dartand be ready to build your own Flutter apps and become a fully fledged Flutter developer.
You'll also have a portfolio of over 15 apps that you can show off to any potential employer.
Sign up today, and look forwards to:
Over 28hours of HD 1080p video content, everything you'll ever need to succeed as a Flutter developer.
Building over 15 fully-fledged apps including ones thatuse Firebase Cloud Firestore, StreamBuilder, ListView, networking, external APIs and much much more. All the knowledge you need to start building any app you want$8000+Flutter development bootcampcourse materials and curriculumFrom Beginner to Flutter Developer with Just One CourseWe know that you're here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what they're doing, you'd be on YouTube.
By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There arebeautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and we're always on hand to answer student questions.
So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:
Fundamental Flutter concepts e.
g. Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets, Widget tree, state management, animations, themes and much more.
Fundamental Dart concepts e.
g. lists, maps, enums, loops, futures, streams, mixins, classes, and much more. Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.
Control Structures: Using If/Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.
Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as Lists and Maps.
Software Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.
Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.
Data Storage: How to use Firebase Cloud Firestore to act as a backend for your Flutter apps.
Authentication: How to use log in and register users for your Flutter apps.
State Management: How to use setState, prop drilling, lifting state up, callbacks and the Provider package to manage app state.
Dont waste your timeDon't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors whoyou can't understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Yourtime is precious. Take this course and find out why everybody is raving about it and why over 35,000 students rated my courses 5 stars!
Don't waste your moneyInside this course, you're getting exactly the same course materials and curriculum as our 12 week in-person programming bootcamp. Instead of spending $8000+ dollars and taking time off work, save loads of money by getting this course and do it at your own pace!
Don't just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about my courses:"Angela is literally my favorite teacher. Ever. In the entire universe. She is hilarious and teaches in a lighthearted and fun way that is also very clear to understand. I instantly purchased this course as soon as I saw it was released because I know Angela delivers the highest quality educational content possible. 100% recommend this course (as well as every other course she's created). Thank you Angela for helping me as I make a career pivot into becoming a hybrid UX designer/mobile developer!" - Jacob Pernell"Angela is my favorite Udemy professor for coding courses. Her methods for building onto the material so that you're never progressing too fast or too slow make for a really engaging learning experience. She's thorough in her explanations, and uses fun projects to discuss the material. I had started a couple other Flutter courses before finding this one, and I've progressed more in 24hrs than I did in a week with the other courses. Would love an advanced Flutter course from Angela to tackle once I'm done with this one!" - Jerome Llouche"You will not find a better teacher than Angela. She does a wonderful job of encouraging you to learn swift the right way. I want to encourage everyone thinking about taking this class to get it,as it is the BEST programming class I've seen on anywhere and I've tried more than a few of them. If you are looking for an excellent swift programming course, stop there here because you have found it. You will learn Swift from the very beginning of programming all the way through making your own apps that you can upload to the App store." - Ian Hopjins"SO GOOD!!!
Retention rate is incredible because Angela does a great job in explaining and teaching every aspect of what we are doing. Most of the other instructors on Udemy put code on the screen and pretend nothing happened. This course is amazing! 5/5" -Muhammad Ibrahim"Angela is a spectacular teacher!" -Marco Zanirato"This course was terrific. Only after taking a few more courses from others that I realized how good this course was. This course taught me more than I was expecting, it provided great instructions and a lot of hands-on tasks to drill-in the concept." -Marc"Best use of your money! I was a complete beginner but Angela made me a pro in weeks." -Burak Tunbilek"IT IS #1!!!!!!!!! Absolutely Amazing. The best iOS course i have ever taken. Angela explains everything the way it needs to be explained, so everything is easily understood. The concept of this course is built to make you learn, not just watch and repeat. Angela is highly educated and it is very much noticeable during the entire course. Again, it is fantastic. Thank you. Please create more courses!!!!!" -Eduard KhachianAre you trying to choose between all the different Fluttercourses on Udemy? Take a look at what students on my course had to say about this:
I have revamped my expectation for what a 5 star course should be for Udemy. An
Now includes a brand new module on Flutter State Management!
Covering all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development, this is the most comprehensive Flutter course available online. We built this course over months, perfecting the curriculum together with the Flutter team to teach you Flutter from scratch and make you into a skilled Flutter developer with a strong portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps.
Our complete Flutter development bootcamp teaches you how to code using Dartandbuildbeautiful, fast, native-qualityiOS and Android apps. Even if you haveZEROprogramming experience.
I'll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Flutter developer.
The course includes 28+ hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real world apps. e.
g. Whatsapp, QuizUp andYahoo Weather.
By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Dartand be ready to build your own Flutter apps and become a fully fledged Flutter developer.
You'll also have a portfolio of over 15 apps that you can show off to any potential employer.
Sign up today, and look forwards to:
Over 28hours of HD 1080p video content, everything you'll ever need to succeed as a Flutter developer.
Building over 15 fully-fledged apps including ones thatuse Firebase Cloud Firestore, StreamBuilder, ListView, networking, external APIs and much much more. All the knowledge you need to start building any app you want$8000+Flutter development bootcampcourse materials and curriculumFrom Beginner to Flutter Developer with Just One CourseWe know that you're here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what they're doing, you'd be on YouTube.
By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There arebeautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and we're always on hand to answer student questions.
So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:
Fundamental Flutter concepts e.
g. Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets, Widget tree, state management, animations, themes and much more.
Fundamental Dart concepts e.
g. lists, maps, enums, loops, futures, streams, mixins, classes, and much more. Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.
Control Structures: Using If/Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.
Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as Lists and Maps.
Software Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.
Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.
Data Storage: How to use Firebase Cloud Firestore to act as a backend for your Flutter apps.
Authentication: How to use log in and register users for your Flutter apps.
State Management: How to use setState, prop drilling, lifting state up, callbacks and the Provider package to manage app state.
Dont waste your timeDon't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors whoyou can't understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Yourtime is precious. Take this course and find out why everybody is raving about it and why over 35,000 students rated my courses 5 stars!
Don't waste your moneyInside this course, you're getting exactly the same course materials and curriculum as our 12 week in-person programming bootcamp. Instead of spending $8000+ dollars and taking time off work, save loads of money by getting this course and do it at your own pace!
Don't just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about my courses:"Angela is literally my favorite teacher. Ever. In the entire universe. She is hilarious and teaches in a lighthearted and fun way that is also very clear to understand. I instantly purchased this course as soon as I saw it was released because I know Angela delivers the highest quality educational content possible. 100% recommend this course (as well as every other course she's created). Thank you Angela for helping me as I make a career pivot into becoming a hybrid UX designer/mobile developer!" - Jacob Pernell"Angela is my favorite Udemy professor for coding courses. Her methods for building onto the material so that you're never progressing too fast or too slow make for a really engaging learning experience. She's thorough in her explanations, and uses fun projects to discuss the material. I had started a couple other Flutter courses before finding this one, and I've progressed more in 24hrs than I did in a week with the other courses. Would love an advanced Flutter course from Angela to tackle once I'm done with this one!" - Jerome Llouche"You will not find a better teacher than Angela. She does a wonderful job of encouraging you to learn swift the right way. I want to encourage everyone thinking about taking this class to get it,as it is the BEST programming class I've seen on anywhere and I've tried more than a few of them. If you are looking for an excellent swift programming course, stop there here because you have found it. You will learn Swift from the very beginning of programming all the way through making your own apps that you can upload to the App store." - Ian Hopjins"SO GOOD!!!
Retention rate is incredible because Angela does a great job in explaining and teaching every aspect of what we are doing. Most of the other instructors on Udemy put code on the screen and pretend nothing happened. This course is amazing! 5/5" -Muhammad Ibrahim"Angela is a spectacular teacher!" -Marco Zanirato"This course was terrific. Only after taking a few more courses from others that I realized how good this course was. This course taught me more than I was expecting, it provided great instructions and a lot of hands-on tasks to drill-in the concept." -Marc"Best use of your money! I was a complete beginner but Angela made me a pro in weeks." -Burak Tunbilek"IT IS #1!!!!!!!!! Absolutely Amazing. The best iOS course i have ever taken. Angela explains everything the way it needs to be explained, so everything is easily understood. The concept of this course is built to make you learn, not just watch and repeat. Angela is highly educated and it is very much noticeable during the entire course. Again, it is fantastic. Thank you. Please create more courses!!!!!" -Eduard KhachianAre you trying to choose between all the different Fluttercourses on Udemy? Take a look at what students on my course had to say about this:
I have revamped my expectation for what a 5 star course should be for Udemy. An
What You'll Learn
- Build beautiful, fast and native-quality apps with Flutter
- Become a fully-fledged Flutter developer
- Build iOS and Android apps with just one codebase
- Build iOS and Android apps using just one programming language (Dart)
- Build a portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps to impress any recruiter
- Understand all the fundamental concepts of Flutter development
- Become proficient in one of the fastest growing technologies
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Flutter & Dart - The Complete Flutter App Development Course (2022)
Flutter Development is here to stay!
Welcome to The Complete Flutter App Development Course (The World's First Complete Dart and Flutter Course). Now with a Full Course Update [2020].
Flutter is the new Cross-platform Mobile Development Framework created by Google, allowing developers to build Android and iOS Apps with one single codebase!
Flutter is the BEST way to create cross-platform apps that otherwise would require two distinct mobile development teams to create.
Why is Flutter a BIG Deal?
Flutter is a big deal because any developer (or anyone who wants to learn mobile development) can now build native Android and iOS apps with one codebase ONLY! This means, instead of having to learn Objective-C or Swift to build iOS apps, and Java, or Kotlin to build Android apps, you can now use Flutter Mobile Development Framework to build apps that run natively on both iOS and Android devices using the General-purpose Dart Programming Language.
By learning Flutter App Development, you'll be able to build iOS and Android apps with a single codebase! This course is the ultimate Flutter tutorial created for those who want to build cross-platform iOS and Android mobile apps using the Dart Programming language.
This course is fully hands-on, in which you'll get the chance to practice and learn:
Dart Programming Language - Fundamentals and intermediate topicsHow to understand Flutter Mobile Development by building apps incrementally.
How to design, build, debug Flutter Android and iOS AppsHow to get Flutter apps to communicate with a realtime database - FirestoreHow to build robust apps with Flutter.
Youll see how easy its to get started building Android and iOS apps using Googles Flutter App Development Framework!
The course is structured in such a way to improve your knowledge retention - by having a lot of hands-on projects. In each section of the course, you will be practicing and building something meaningful and useful, which will further your understanding of Flutter iOS and Android Development.
For instance, you'll start by learning the very basics of the Dart Programming language (which is the programming language used in Flutter) - you'll learn control flow and functions, how to do arithmetic in Dart, and so forth. Next, you'll learn Object-Oriented Programming in Dart - understanding how to construct classes and Objects and how it all works when building robust programs. Furthermore, you'll learn intermediate and advanced Dart topics such as Abstract classes, Interfaces, and Data Structures. Once you've learned the Dart Programming language, you'll then start with Flutter Mobile Development. You'll start by building small, simple iOS and Android apps using Flutter, such as the Business Card app. Then, we move into the realm of Stateful Widgets in Flutter - how to manage state in an App.
Along the way, we continue to build several fun apps to solidify the main, fundamental Flutter concepts. You'll also have several challenges you need to further dive deeper into understanding Flutter concepts.
Continuing with the course, you'll also have the opportunity to learn how to parse JSON from a remote API into your Flutter app and cleanly display the parsed data to the user using Material Design concepts. Additionally, you'll learn how to connect your app to Firebase/Firestore and use a real-time database.
You'll finish the journey by learning how to package up your Flutter iOS or Android app to publish on either the Appstore or Google Play store.
The course will take you from zero to hero - from knowing nothing (or a little) about Flutter iOS and Android Mobile development to building complex, stunning mobile applications!
Why Should You Take This Course?
My name is Paulo Dichone; I've created the most best-selling online programming courses (with over 100,000 happy and satisfied students). I'm a Software Engineer, a teacher, and the author of highly rated Development courses on Udemy. I've taught over 100,000 students online and received over 15,000 reviews. Students love my teaching methodology, which is heavy on hands-on, project-based approaches.
I know how hard it can be to learn programming and Android development - there's a lot of information out there, but the problem is that none is complete, nor is it updated. I understand how frustrating it's to try to learn something on your own and spend months without seeing progress! Here's what my current and past students have to say about this course and my other courses:"It's a good course for Intermediate Learners...
Nice job, Paulo...
I've learned a lot from you" - Collins (5 stars rating)Best tutor ever !!! Very kind, polite, great explanation, loved your course content !!! Covered a wide range of topics !!!! Above expectations, super amazing... Thanks a lot for helping me start my mobile development career and making this field super easy for me !!!!!!! ?????????? - Mehul (5 stars rating)"I liked the course and the professor. I'm taking another course with him because he's excellent in my opinion, starts from beginner to advanced, very organized classes. A lot of examples in the course, and he was updating the course often too. Money well spent." - Kevin (4.
5 stars rating)"Great course. Very easy in understanding and friendly learning. Good Job, Sir. Thanks for this." - Muhammad - (5 stars rating)"Well, in my opinion, this is a great course since I knew nothing about java and by now I'm able to write my own apps pretty easily." - Michael - (5 stars rating)"Great course! I learned lots from the numerous examples. I now have the confidence to build my own apps and to explore different areas of Android programming. - (4.
5 stars rating)Great Course!!!! Thanks, Paulo!!!!!" - Ian - (5 stars rating)"I am delighted with this course. I have only attended the Android part because I had a basic knowledge of Java. I really like how Paulo teaches. He goes step by step, and you can understand everything. My first language is not English, but he speaks very. Clearly, I can understand every word. Also, he is a happy guy, and you can hear that through the courses that he really loves what he is doing." - Antal - (5 stars rating)"Very well thought-out course. Flows smoothly with great delivery. I have been developing Android Apps for several years, and I still found this course informative, relevant, and helpful. I would recommend everyone take this course if you are new to Android or returning for a refresher course." - Douglas - (5 stars rating)=======================================This Course Also Comes With: Lifetime Access to All Future Updates A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section Links to interesting articles and lots of good code to base your next template onto Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day, "No Questions Asked" Money Back Guarantee!
Take this complete Flutter course now, completely risk-free!
Who this course is for:
Beginner Developers and Intermediate- Advanced Web or Mobile De
Welcome to The Complete Flutter App Development Course (The World's First Complete Dart and Flutter Course). Now with a Full Course Update [2020].
Flutter is the new Cross-platform Mobile Development Framework created by Google, allowing developers to build Android and iOS Apps with one single codebase!
Flutter is the BEST way to create cross-platform apps that otherwise would require two distinct mobile development teams to create.
Why is Flutter a BIG Deal?
Flutter is a big deal because any developer (or anyone who wants to learn mobile development) can now build native Android and iOS apps with one codebase ONLY! This means, instead of having to learn Objective-C or Swift to build iOS apps, and Java, or Kotlin to build Android apps, you can now use Flutter Mobile Development Framework to build apps that run natively on both iOS and Android devices using the General-purpose Dart Programming Language.
By learning Flutter App Development, you'll be able to build iOS and Android apps with a single codebase! This course is the ultimate Flutter tutorial created for those who want to build cross-platform iOS and Android mobile apps using the Dart Programming language.
This course is fully hands-on, in which you'll get the chance to practice and learn:
Dart Programming Language - Fundamentals and intermediate topicsHow to understand Flutter Mobile Development by building apps incrementally.
How to design, build, debug Flutter Android and iOS AppsHow to get Flutter apps to communicate with a realtime database - FirestoreHow to build robust apps with Flutter.
Youll see how easy its to get started building Android and iOS apps using Googles Flutter App Development Framework!
The course is structured in such a way to improve your knowledge retention - by having a lot of hands-on projects. In each section of the course, you will be practicing and building something meaningful and useful, which will further your understanding of Flutter iOS and Android Development.
For instance, you'll start by learning the very basics of the Dart Programming language (which is the programming language used in Flutter) - you'll learn control flow and functions, how to do arithmetic in Dart, and so forth. Next, you'll learn Object-Oriented Programming in Dart - understanding how to construct classes and Objects and how it all works when building robust programs. Furthermore, you'll learn intermediate and advanced Dart topics such as Abstract classes, Interfaces, and Data Structures. Once you've learned the Dart Programming language, you'll then start with Flutter Mobile Development. You'll start by building small, simple iOS and Android apps using Flutter, such as the Business Card app. Then, we move into the realm of Stateful Widgets in Flutter - how to manage state in an App.
Along the way, we continue to build several fun apps to solidify the main, fundamental Flutter concepts. You'll also have several challenges you need to further dive deeper into understanding Flutter concepts.
Continuing with the course, you'll also have the opportunity to learn how to parse JSON from a remote API into your Flutter app and cleanly display the parsed data to the user using Material Design concepts. Additionally, you'll learn how to connect your app to Firebase/Firestore and use a real-time database.
You'll finish the journey by learning how to package up your Flutter iOS or Android app to publish on either the Appstore or Google Play store.
The course will take you from zero to hero - from knowing nothing (or a little) about Flutter iOS and Android Mobile development to building complex, stunning mobile applications!
Why Should You Take This Course?
My name is Paulo Dichone; I've created the most best-selling online programming courses (with over 100,000 happy and satisfied students). I'm a Software Engineer, a teacher, and the author of highly rated Development courses on Udemy. I've taught over 100,000 students online and received over 15,000 reviews. Students love my teaching methodology, which is heavy on hands-on, project-based approaches.
I know how hard it can be to learn programming and Android development - there's a lot of information out there, but the problem is that none is complete, nor is it updated. I understand how frustrating it's to try to learn something on your own and spend months without seeing progress! Here's what my current and past students have to say about this course and my other courses:"It's a good course for Intermediate Learners...
Nice job, Paulo...
I've learned a lot from you" - Collins (5 stars rating)Best tutor ever !!! Very kind, polite, great explanation, loved your course content !!! Covered a wide range of topics !!!! Above expectations, super amazing... Thanks a lot for helping me start my mobile development career and making this field super easy for me !!!!!!! ?????????? - Mehul (5 stars rating)"I liked the course and the professor. I'm taking another course with him because he's excellent in my opinion, starts from beginner to advanced, very organized classes. A lot of examples in the course, and he was updating the course often too. Money well spent." - Kevin (4.
5 stars rating)"Great course. Very easy in understanding and friendly learning. Good Job, Sir. Thanks for this." - Muhammad - (5 stars rating)"Well, in my opinion, this is a great course since I knew nothing about java and by now I'm able to write my own apps pretty easily." - Michael - (5 stars rating)"Great course! I learned lots from the numerous examples. I now have the confidence to build my own apps and to explore different areas of Android programming. - (4.
5 stars rating)Great Course!!!! Thanks, Paulo!!!!!" - Ian - (5 stars rating)"I am delighted with this course. I have only attended the Android part because I had a basic knowledge of Java. I really like how Paulo teaches. He goes step by step, and you can understand everything. My first language is not English, but he speaks very. Clearly, I can understand every word. Also, he is a happy guy, and you can hear that through the courses that he really loves what he is doing." - Antal - (5 stars rating)"Very well thought-out course. Flows smoothly with great delivery. I have been developing Android Apps for several years, and I still found this course informative, relevant, and helpful. I would recommend everyone take this course if you are new to Android or returning for a refresher course." - Douglas - (5 stars rating)=======================================This Course Also Comes With: Lifetime Access to All Future Updates A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section Links to interesting articles and lots of good code to base your next template onto Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day, "No Questions Asked" Money Back Guarantee!
Take this complete Flutter course now, completely risk-free!
Who this course is for:
Beginner Developers and Intermediate- Advanced Web or Mobile De
What You'll Learn
- Be ABLE to Build Any iOS and Android App You Want
- MASTER Dart and Flutter Framework
- BUILD Full-fledged Apps for Your Startup or Business
- CREATE a Portfolio of Apps to Apply for Development Job
- WORK as A Cross-Platform Mobile Developer Who can Develop iOS and Android Apps
- GAIN a Competitive Advantage in the Workplace as a Flutter Mobile Developer
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Dart and Flutter: The Complete Developer's Guide (2022)
If you're tired of spinning your wheels learning Swift or Android, this is the course for you.
Animations? You will learn it. Architectural Patterns? Included. Navigation? Of course!
Flutter is a newcomer to the mobile development scene. Strongly supported by Google, it is already viewed as an ideal platform for replacing native Swift and Android development. Thanks to its amazing standard library of widgets, fast compile times, and amazing documentation, developers are falling in love with Flutter!
This course supports MacOS and Windows - develop Android and iOSapps easily!
Flutter apps are created using the language Dart.
No problem if you're not already familiar with Dart; this course includes a lightning fast introduction to Dart at the beginning, along with hours of bonus lectures at the end of the course solely focused on Dart and its advanced features. If you come from a background working with Java, Ruby, or Javascript, you'll feel right at home with Dart - the syntax is nearly identical, only a few core concepts need to be learned. Dart is a strongly typed language - but don't be discouraged if you're not a fan of strong types! I spend special time in this course to make it extra clear why developing with a strongly typed language is a breeze!
One of the greatest challenges around developing Flutter applications right now is understanding how to design and architectapps. Flutter is still in rapid development, and the community at large is still trying to find out the best techniques. With this in mind, special attention is paid in the course to making sure you understand the primary design patternsadvocated by Google's Flutter team, including both the 'Stateful Widget' pattern and the 'BLOC' pattern. The 'BLOC' pattern makes heavy use of Reactive Programming techniques, which you'll learn about in this course as well. These techniques can be easily applied to other languages and frameworks as well - talk about a bonus!
Of course, no mobile app is complete without some nice looking animations.
You'll learn how to build animations using Flutter's standard library of tools, which can be easily used to make interactions that your users will love. You should plan to complete the course with knowledge of how to reference Flutter's standard library of widgets to assemble complex animations.
Sign up today and you will:
Understand the Dart language and its primary featuresStore information for long periods of time on the user's device with offline storageLearn how to optimize network requests for improved performance on mobile networksDelight your users with complex animationsExpose the functionality of your apps with multi-screennavigationSteer through the incredible amount of Flutter documentationMaster Reactive Programming with streams by using RxDartImplement advanced design patternsadvocated by Google's official Flutter teamHandle user input withform validationLearn to build open source Dart packagesand distribute them to other developersI've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning Flutter. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them.
Who this course is for:
Developers looking to build quality apps with Flutter
Animations? You will learn it. Architectural Patterns? Included. Navigation? Of course!
Flutter is a newcomer to the mobile development scene. Strongly supported by Google, it is already viewed as an ideal platform for replacing native Swift and Android development. Thanks to its amazing standard library of widgets, fast compile times, and amazing documentation, developers are falling in love with Flutter!
This course supports MacOS and Windows - develop Android and iOSapps easily!
Flutter apps are created using the language Dart.
No problem if you're not already familiar with Dart; this course includes a lightning fast introduction to Dart at the beginning, along with hours of bonus lectures at the end of the course solely focused on Dart and its advanced features. If you come from a background working with Java, Ruby, or Javascript, you'll feel right at home with Dart - the syntax is nearly identical, only a few core concepts need to be learned. Dart is a strongly typed language - but don't be discouraged if you're not a fan of strong types! I spend special time in this course to make it extra clear why developing with a strongly typed language is a breeze!
One of the greatest challenges around developing Flutter applications right now is understanding how to design and architectapps. Flutter is still in rapid development, and the community at large is still trying to find out the best techniques. With this in mind, special attention is paid in the course to making sure you understand the primary design patternsadvocated by Google's Flutter team, including both the 'Stateful Widget' pattern and the 'BLOC' pattern. The 'BLOC' pattern makes heavy use of Reactive Programming techniques, which you'll learn about in this course as well. These techniques can be easily applied to other languages and frameworks as well - talk about a bonus!
Of course, no mobile app is complete without some nice looking animations.
You'll learn how to build animations using Flutter's standard library of tools, which can be easily used to make interactions that your users will love. You should plan to complete the course with knowledge of how to reference Flutter's standard library of widgets to assemble complex animations.
Sign up today and you will:
Understand the Dart language and its primary featuresStore information for long periods of time on the user's device with offline storageLearn how to optimize network requests for improved performance on mobile networksDelight your users with complex animationsExpose the functionality of your apps with multi-screennavigationSteer through the incredible amount of Flutter documentationMaster Reactive Programming with streams by using RxDartImplement advanced design patternsadvocated by Google's official Flutter teamHandle user input withform validationLearn to build open source Dart packagesand distribute them to other developersI've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning Flutter. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them.
Who this course is for:
Developers looking to build quality apps with Flutter
What You'll Learn
- Build beautiful multi-screen apps with Flutter
- Understand the different approaches for loading and maintaining data in Flutter apps
- Create and publish open source projects using Dart
- Learn how to build offline-enabled apps with incredibly efficient data loading
- Comprehend the best method for reading the incredible amount of Flutter documentation
- Store long-term data on a user's physical device using SQLite
- Master streams and understand reactive programming to create Flutter apps
5 )
Mobile E-Commerce with Flutter, Redux, and Stripe (2022)
Build an online marketplace for your mobile apps!
What You'll Learn
- How to make impressive, functional, mobile e-commerce projects with Flutter
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Flutter & Firebase: Build a Complete App for iOS & Android (2022)
Want to learn how to build native mobile apps with Flutter?
Then you are in the right place.
Flutter is a mobile framework by Google for buildingbeautiful and fast native apps. Flutter is very productive and offers a rich set of widgets that makes building apps a breeze. Once you experiencehot-reloadand everything else Flutter has to offer, you will never want to go back.
In this course you will build acomplete, real-world applicationfor iOS and Android, by usingDart, Flutter and Firebase.
This coursestarts from the basics, and includes afull introductionto Dart and Flutter. This means thatNO prior experiencewith Dart and mobile app development is needed.
As you make progress, the course will introduce more advanced topics, with special emphasis on writing production-ready code, so that you can learn how to build robust applications that scale.
And by learning Firebase as well, you will understand how to makemodern reactive apps, and see why Flutter and Firebase are a great combination.
Important concepts are explained with clear diagrams. You will always learn what you will be building and why, and then how to do it.
This will give you a strong foundation, and the techniques you learn here will be valuable in your own Flutter apps.
So by the end of this courseyou will be a competent Flutter developer.
Course StructureThis is a complete course. With 22 hours of content, it will teach you everything you need to know about Flutter.- Each lesson builds on top of the previous one (source code included).- Each section covers a different topic.
You can follow the course from beginning to end, or choose the topics youre most interested in.
Fast-track your learningThis course offers a lot of practical advice, along with tips and techniques that I have battle-tested over years of experience.
It goes far beyond "making things work", and gives you a very solid understanding of many different techniques and their trade-offs.
And it will show you how to think about problems and their solutions, with the mindset of a top professional software engineer.
So taking this course will save you a lot of time and money, and will prepare you for building real-world apps.
And if you get stuck, you can ask questions and they will be quickly answered.
Included in this courseIntroduction to DartSetup instructions for macOS and WindowsIntroduction to Flutter and widgetsBuilding layouts with Material &Cupertino widgets +build your own custom widgetsNavigationFirebase Authentication (anonymous, email & password, Google, Facebook)State Management: how to use setState, lifting state up via callbacks, global access, scoped access with Provider, BLoCs, ValueNotifier & ChangeNotifierStreams, building reactive apps & advanced stream operations with RxDartForms, input handling and validationManaging and updating packagesDatabases and Cloud FirestoreWorking with Forms andCloud FirestoreWorking with ListViews and multiple UIstatesDate & time pickersUnit & Widget tests with mockito (basics to advanced)System requirementsWindows, macOS or Linux for Android app developmentmacOS for iOS app developmentWho this course is for:
Beginner or intermediate Dart and Flutter developersExperienced iOS and Android developersDevelopers who want to write apps on iOS and Android with a single codebaseDevelopers that want to write modern, reactive apps with Firebase
Then you are in the right place.
Flutter is a mobile framework by Google for buildingbeautiful and fast native apps. Flutter is very productive and offers a rich set of widgets that makes building apps a breeze. Once you experiencehot-reloadand everything else Flutter has to offer, you will never want to go back.
In this course you will build acomplete, real-world applicationfor iOS and Android, by usingDart, Flutter and Firebase.
This coursestarts from the basics, and includes afull introductionto Dart and Flutter. This means thatNO prior experiencewith Dart and mobile app development is needed.
As you make progress, the course will introduce more advanced topics, with special emphasis on writing production-ready code, so that you can learn how to build robust applications that scale.
And by learning Firebase as well, you will understand how to makemodern reactive apps, and see why Flutter and Firebase are a great combination.
Important concepts are explained with clear diagrams. You will always learn what you will be building and why, and then how to do it.
This will give you a strong foundation, and the techniques you learn here will be valuable in your own Flutter apps.
So by the end of this courseyou will be a competent Flutter developer.
Course StructureThis is a complete course. With 22 hours of content, it will teach you everything you need to know about Flutter.- Each lesson builds on top of the previous one (source code included).- Each section covers a different topic.
You can follow the course from beginning to end, or choose the topics youre most interested in.
Fast-track your learningThis course offers a lot of practical advice, along with tips and techniques that I have battle-tested over years of experience.
It goes far beyond "making things work", and gives you a very solid understanding of many different techniques and their trade-offs.
And it will show you how to think about problems and their solutions, with the mindset of a top professional software engineer.
So taking this course will save you a lot of time and money, and will prepare you for building real-world apps.
And if you get stuck, you can ask questions and they will be quickly answered.
Included in this courseIntroduction to DartSetup instructions for macOS and WindowsIntroduction to Flutter and widgetsBuilding layouts with Material &Cupertino widgets +build your own custom widgetsNavigationFirebase Authentication (anonymous, email & password, Google, Facebook)State Management: how to use setState, lifting state up via callbacks, global access, scoped access with Provider, BLoCs, ValueNotifier & ChangeNotifierStreams, building reactive apps & advanced stream operations with RxDartForms, input handling and validationManaging and updating packagesDatabases and Cloud FirestoreWorking with Forms andCloud FirestoreWorking with ListViews and multiple UIstatesDate & time pickersUnit & Widget tests with mockito (basics to advanced)System requirementsWindows, macOS or Linux for Android app developmentmacOS for iOS app developmentWho this course is for:
Beginner or intermediate Dart and Flutter developersExperienced iOS and Android developersDevelopers who want to write apps on iOS and Android with a single codebaseDevelopers that want to write modern, reactive apps with Firebase
What You'll Learn
- Build a complete, real-world app with Flutter & Firebase
- Write iOS & Android apps with a single codebase
- Write production-ready code following best practices and become a competent Flutter developer
- Fast-track your Flutter learning with practical tips and proven techniques
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The Complete Flutter App Development Course for Android, iOS (2018)
Flutter - a framework developed by Google - allows you to learn one language(Dart) and build beautiful native mobile apps in no time. Flutter is a SDKproviding the tooling to compileDart code into native code and it also gives you a rich set of pre-built and pre-styled UIelements (so called widgets)which you can use to compose your user interfaces.
Flutter is extremelytrendingand gets used for major Google apps like their Adwords app - it's now marked as "ready for production", hence now is the time to jump in and learn it!
This course will teach Flutter & Dart from scratch, NOprior knowledge of either of the two is required!
And you certainly don't need any Android or iOSdevelopment experience since the whole idea behind Flutter is to only learn one language.
You'll learn Flutter not only in theory butwe'll build a complete, realistic appthroughout this course. This app will feature both all the core basics as well as advanced features like using Google Maps, the device camera, adding animations and more!
With Flutter, you'll be able to write code only once and ship your apps both to the Apple AppStore and Google Play.
Use Google's Material Design to build beautiful, yet fully customizable, apps in no time with almost zero effort. You can use the rich widget suite Flutter provides to add common UIelements like buttons, switches, forms, toolbars, lists and more - or you simply build your own widgets - Flutter makes that a breeze, too.
Here's what's included in the course:
Detailed setup instructions for both macOS and WindowsAthorough introduction to Flutter, Dart and the concept behind widgetsAn overview of the built-in widgets and how you may add your own onesDebugging tips&tricksPage navigation with tabs, side drawers and stack-based navigationState management solutionsHandling and validatinguser inputAdding Google MapsUsing native device features like the cameraAdding beautiful animations &page transitionsHow to publish your app to the app storesAnd more!
Who this course is for:
Anyone who is enthusiastic to start developing apps in Flutter
Flutter is extremelytrendingand gets used for major Google apps like their Adwords app - it's now marked as "ready for production", hence now is the time to jump in and learn it!
This course will teach Flutter & Dart from scratch, NOprior knowledge of either of the two is required!
And you certainly don't need any Android or iOSdevelopment experience since the whole idea behind Flutter is to only learn one language.
You'll learn Flutter not only in theory butwe'll build a complete, realistic appthroughout this course. This app will feature both all the core basics as well as advanced features like using Google Maps, the device camera, adding animations and more!
With Flutter, you'll be able to write code only once and ship your apps both to the Apple AppStore and Google Play.
Use Google's Material Design to build beautiful, yet fully customizable, apps in no time with almost zero effort. You can use the rich widget suite Flutter provides to add common UIelements like buttons, switches, forms, toolbars, lists and more - or you simply build your own widgets - Flutter makes that a breeze, too.
Here's what's included in the course:
Detailed setup instructions for both macOS and WindowsAthorough introduction to Flutter, Dart and the concept behind widgetsAn overview of the built-in widgets and how you may add your own onesDebugging tips&tricksPage navigation with tabs, side drawers and stack-based navigationState management solutionsHandling and validatinguser inputAdding Google MapsUsing native device features like the cameraAdding beautiful animations &page transitionsHow to publish your app to the app storesAnd more!
Who this course is for:
Anyone who is enthusiastic to start developing apps in Flutter
What You'll Learn
- Start developing mobile apps for both Android and iOS with single code base
9 )
Flutter intermediate course learn new widgets (2018)
We will be learning how to use some more advanced widgets and concepts for the flutter framework. If you are new to Flutter you should first work trough my beginner Flutter course here on udemy. Topics we will be covering in this course are:- Expanded & Flex- GridView widget- How to use IOS widgets- Notification widgets- PageView widget- Sliver widget- Stack widget- Json request widgets- How to save data with shared preferencesIf you have any questions feel free to ask.
Enjoy the course :)Who this course is for:
If you are interested in Flutter and want to get to the next level
Enjoy the course :)Who this course is for:
If you are interested in Flutter and want to get to the next level
What You'll Learn
- Understand more Flutter widgets/concepts
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Flutter - Intermediate (2019)
This is not a beginners course, and you should have a solid grasp of both the Dart language and a beginners understanding of Flutter.
This course picks up where my Flutter for beginners course left off. In this course you will learn some of the more complex flutter widgets, along with using charts, navigation and routing, and state management from building your own to using Redux. I highly recommend you take my existing Dart and Flutter courses before attempting this one.
Who this course is for:
Anyone wanting to learn more about Flutter
This course picks up where my Flutter for beginners course left off. In this course you will learn some of the more complex flutter widgets, along with using charts, navigation and routing, and state management from building your own to using Redux. I highly recommend you take my existing Dart and Flutter courses before attempting this one.
Who this course is for:
Anyone wanting to learn more about Flutter
What You'll Learn
- Widgets
- Layout Widgets
- Create custom widgets
- Navigation
- State managment
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The Complete Flutter UI Masterclass | iOS, Android, & Web (2022)
Looking to learn how to build beautiful Android and iOSapps with Flutter and Dart or having trouble building out mobile designs?
This course will teach you how to build the UI of five amazing mobile apps!
Food Delivery AppBudget AppSocial Media AppFacebook App and WebNetflix App and WebAs a mobile app developer, you understand the importance of implementing clean and intuitive UI. It is essential to crafting the best user experience possible. With Flutter, we have the power to build responsive interfaces for mobile and web with a single codebase.
You will learn how to: Implement basic and advanced Flutter widgets (Ex: ListViews, GridViews, Slivers, CustomPainters, Custom Clippers, Drawers, etc.)Write your own custom widgetsVisualize data with chartsAnimate widgetsUse stack-based screen navigationDebug your codeBuild responsive user interfaces for mobile and webAnd much more!
I hope you enjoy this course, and I'm looking forward to seeing the amazing apps you create!
Who this course is for:
Flutter developers who want to improve their UI skillsFlutter developers who want to learn basic and advanced Flutter widgets
This course will teach you how to build the UI of five amazing mobile apps!
Food Delivery AppBudget AppSocial Media AppFacebook App and WebNetflix App and WebAs a mobile app developer, you understand the importance of implementing clean and intuitive UI. It is essential to crafting the best user experience possible. With Flutter, we have the power to build responsive interfaces for mobile and web with a single codebase.
You will learn how to: Implement basic and advanced Flutter widgets (Ex: ListViews, GridViews, Slivers, CustomPainters, Custom Clippers, Drawers, etc.)Write your own custom widgetsVisualize data with chartsAnimate widgetsUse stack-based screen navigationDebug your codeBuild responsive user interfaces for mobile and webAnd much more!
I hope you enjoy this course, and I'm looking forward to seeing the amazing apps you create!
Who this course is for:
Flutter developers who want to improve their UI skillsFlutter developers who want to learn basic and advanced Flutter widgets
What You'll Learn
- Build beautiful mobile and web UI with Flutter and Dart
- Learn how to implement basic and advanced Flutter widgets
- Design and implement your own custom widgets
- Visualize data with Flutter