Ultimate PHP, CSS And SASS: Enhance Your JavaScript Skills! (Udemy.com)
Ultimate PHP, CSS and Sass create most modern Flexbox, CSS grid and Bootstrap designs. Use Javascript, PHP PDO like pro.
Created by: Rick Sekuloski
Produced in 2022
What you will learn
- Ultimate PHP,CSS-SASS course. Enhance your skills in PDO,PHP security and create layouts using CSS Grid,Flexbox,Bootstrap topped up with JavaScript,Ajax and Jquery.
- You will learn how to create fast and modern layouts using Flexbox
- You will have 3 crash courses for PHP, CSS-GRID and Flexbox
- New modern 2019/2021 css techniques for building stunning websites
- Cutting edge responsive design using media queries manager, mobile-first vs desktop-first
- Difference between em vs rem units
- SVG Images, Clip path, Font-awesome icons
- Learn How to use Sass in real-world projects
- BEM Methodology
- 7-1 Architecture
- You will Learn about CSS-GRID and how to create complex layouts fast
- Advanced CSS animations using @keyframes, animatiosn and transitions
- Use NPM to set up a development process to compile Sass fast and without page refresh
- You will learn how to write reusable and maintainable that c
Quality Score
Overall Score : 100 / 100
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Course Description
This course will offer more than 380 lectures and lifetime access to 79 hours of HD quality videos at this moment.
- Basic HTML, CSS and PHP skills are desirable, but anyone basically can follow me on this course. No need for buying any extra software, your computer and text editor for writing the code will be sufficient.
Have you have been taking courses that are not up to date or courses that after finishing them you will immediately know that is not what they promised to be in the promo video? Have you joined multiple courses for basically learning the same thing over and over again? Have you been thinking why there is no complete course out there where you can learn how to become master of front and back end development with the latest, greatest and the most modern programming/designing techniques?
Great news: Then This Is The Right Course For You!
Welcome to "Ultimate PHP, CSS, and Sass: Enhance Your JavaScript Skills, course ever". This is the most advanced, the most modern, and the most up to date course ever on this platform. It's everything you need to become master and advance your career as a graduate student, junior developer or programmer. Look at the end of why I create this course to be for everyone.
There are multiple parts to this course. The first part is the designing process where you will learn how to use HTML, CSS, and Sass. You will be able to design and create modern layouts on your own after finishing this part. You will learn the most complex and advanced responsive design techniques, CSS GRID and Flexbox layouts and yes you will get familiar with Bootstrap as well. You will become a master of Sass, and CSS architecture also you will be able to design 3 very many different landing pages for these projects so you can get experience and practice what we have learned and put that in practice. You will have 2 complete guides for CSS GIRD and Flexbox in this section in order to make your life easy. This course is all about design, and you will be the architect of 3 different and beautifully designed and crafted projects.
1) Create layouts of every kind with the latest cutting-edge layout technologies.
2) You master Flexbox and CSS Grid and Bootstrap;
3) Design carefully for all kind of devices with media queries;
4) Understand the concepts of CSS and how you can make reusable code that is easily maintainable with Sass.
In this course, you will get familiar with background-clip, transform and perspectives when we are making rotating/flipping cards. You will use clip-path to shape the footer and header. Also, you will be able to create animations using @keyframes, transitions, and animation.
Working on these projects you will be able to use CSS selectors and pseudo-classes, elements that are the foundation of the modern CSS. Dealing with complex scenarios you will learn parent, child inheritance, box types and positioning elements using abstract and relative positioning. This course will be based on 7-1 rule and we will stick with the BEM methodology so you can create massive code components that will be very easy for maintenance and in the same time expandable and scalable. With Sass, we will use variables where we declare their values and after that, we will use them in our project whenever we need them. You will learn how to use media queries and create ones where our design breaks, meaning that you can adjust your design to fit all kinds of screen sizes by simple and advanced calculation.
Flexbox and CSS grid will give us the opportunity to learn the process of organizing our website into a layout that is easily fits different screen widths. I have two crash courses and examples for these two particular layouts. Additionally, we will use font awesome icons but we also will learn how to use the modern SVG icons in our projects so we can understand the difference between them. You will know how to change SVG color and generate SVG sprites with a breeze. On top of this, we will use the NPM so we can compile Sass and every code changes will automatically be reloaded on the browser. You will get familiar with the processes how to concatenate, prefix and compress and compile CSS file;
The second part of this course is PDO PHP and OOP using Classes, methods and etc. We will not use the entire MVC framework but we will get familiar with how to use M from that framework which stands for MODELS. Inside this model folder, we will create our core functions that will interact with the database in a secure manner. Security is the number one feature of PDO so that is why we are going to do our projects with PDO. I have created a crash course on how to use Classes and PDO just for this project so if you are a person with limited PHP understanding you will not have a problem after the crash course to follow this part.
What you will learn in this part:
You will learn that PDO represents PHP data objects and a lean and consistent way to connect to a Database. Also, PDO can work with multiple different databases like MySQL, Firebird, Oracle, PostgreSQL and lots more. PDO provides secure data access layer no matter what type of system you are using, you can still use the same functions to access this data. You need to use a PHP 5.4 or latter version in order to work because PDO will need OOP features. The biggest advantage for which I choose to use PDO is that we can write prepared statements that will prevent SQL attacks and injections that can destroy what we have stored in the database. PDO is very usable and reusable, usable because have lots of functions out there that we can use like fetch and error handling, and reusable means that it can access multiple databases because of its unified API. We will write so many create, read, update, delete queries that by the end of this course you will become the master of PHP. You will become a master of PHP PDO and get to know the three main Classes like PDO, PDOStatment, and PDOexception. For these reasons, I have also included
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- 5.0 Rating
20 Reviews
Rick Sekuloski
Hi, everyone my name is Rick! I have joined Udemy because I want to share my passion for teaching the latest and most modern techniques with my students .
I'm a full-stack web developer and designer that will always try to build beautiful projects from scratch, meaning I'm very detailed when I start working on a project. I've been building websites and apps since my early days at University. I have finished bachelor of Information Technology in Macedonia and I also have finished a Master's degree in Information Technology Studies in Federation University Australia.
So passion for creating good websites is something that started when I was at Uni. Also today I'm preparing students with their English. So i can proudly say that I teach students that want to take IELTS,TOEFL,PTE and AEAS tests. These tests are essential for enrolling in schools/universities. Trust me I know how hard is to go in foreign country and start your education and your life there from scratch. I'm real proof that international students in Australia can thrive and be successful.
Because I'm used to do things for scratch and I want to help others that is why I choose Udemy as my platform so I can reach out to my students.
What I will offer to you my friends, students and colleagues.
I will teach you how to built advanced HTML and CSS projects. I know how hard is to start.
Looking to get your first job offer if you are student or finished your stu