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Vue - The Complete Guide (w/ Router, Vuex, Composition API) (Udemy.com)
Vue.js is an awesome JavaScript Framework for building Frontend Applications! VueJS mixes the Best of Angular + React!
Created by: Maximilian Schwarzmuller
Produced in 2022
What you will learn
- Build amazing Vue.js Applications - all the Way from Small and Simple Ones up to Large Enterprise-level Ones
- Understand the Theory behind Vue.js and use it in Real Projects
- Leverage Vue.js in both Multi- and Single-Page-Applications (MPAs and SPAs)
Quality Score
Overall Score : 96 / 100
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Course Description
He knows how to teach. Splits every details into smaller parts and makes another video for each part. For this reason you don't feel yourself boring while watching videos because lots of them about 2-3 mins not more. One of the best teachers in Udemy that I saw.
The instructor uses an easy-to-follow approach that builds knowledge easily and incrementally.
Very well laid out tutorials that are easy to follow but also run at a pace that doesn't get boring.
About the course
No matter at which Metric you look (Google Trends, Github Stars, Tweets ...) VueJS is the Shooting Star in the World of JavaScript Frameworks - it simply is amazing!
Frontend Frameworks are extremely popular because they give us this reactive, great User Experience we know from Mobile Apps - but now in the Browser! No wonder that Jobs requiring Frontend Framework Skills like VueJS are amongst the best paid ones in the Industry!
You may know Angular 2 and ReactJS, well, VueJS combines the Best of both Frameworks and makes building anything from small Widgets to big, Enterprise-Level Apps a Breeze and a whole lot of Fun! And if you don't know the two mentioned Frameworks: That's fine, too, this Course does not expect any knowledge of any other Frontend Framework - you will learn it all throughout this Course!
### This Course covers it all! ###
We'll start at the very Basics, what Vue.js is and how it works before we move on to more Complex and Advanced Topics but I'll be honest: It's too much to fit it all into one Sentence, so here's what you'll learn in this Course:
- What is VueJS and Why would you use it?
- Setting up a Development Environment and Workflow
- The Basics (including the basic Syntax, Understanding Templates and much more!)
- Interacting with DOM (Rendering Lists, Conditionally attaching/ detaching Elements ...)
- Using Components (and what Components are to begin with)
- Binding to Form Inputs
- All about Directives, Filters and Mixins
- How to make your App more Beautiful with Animations and Transitions
- How to create an awesome Single-Page-Application (SPA) with Routing
- How to improve State Management by using Vuex
- How to Deploy the App
- And much more ...
### Is this Course for you? ###
Now that you know what this Course is about, let's see if this Course is for you!
Here are three Types of Students who will love this Course:
Student #1:
Has some JavaScript Experience and is interested in what this Language can do. He heard and read that JavaScript allows you to create nice Web Applications and enhance existing Web Pages. VueJS is your choice!
Student #2:
He already has some Experience with other Frontend Frameworks like Angular (2+) or ReactJS. But either due to interest or disappointment of the existing Frameworks, he seeks some Alternatives - VueJS might be what you were looking for!
Student #3:
Has Experience with backend Frameworks/ Languages but now also wants to enter the Frontend World. VueJS is an awesome choice here, it's fun, it uses native JS and it's extremely powerful!
Bonus: Student #4
Is disappointed by Angular 2+. Does a good Framework need 2 hours of setup? No, certainly not - as VueJS will prove to this Student!
Let's dive into VueJS right now!Who this course is for:
- This Course is for Everyone interested in Frontend Development and Major JavaScript Frameworks
- This Course is for you if you want to create Reactive Applications, which run in the Browser
- This Course also targets Students who prefer a native JavaScript Framework which makes Getting Started much simpler than Angular 2
- Displeased with Angular 2? VueJS is for you!
Instructor Details
- 4.8 Rating
- 99 Reviews
Maximilian Schwarzmuller
Experience as (Web) Developer
Starting out at the age of 13 I never stopped learning new programming skills and languages. Early I started creating websites for friends and just for fun as well. Besides web development I also explored Python and other non-web-only languages. This passion has since lasted and lead to my decision of working as a freelance web developer and consultant. The success and fun I have in this job is immense and really keeps that passion burningly alive.
Starting web development on the backend (PHP with Laravel, NodeJS, Python) I also became more and more of a frontend developer using modern frameworks like React, Angular or VueJS 2 in a lot of projects. I love both worlds nowadays!
As a self-taught developer I had the chance to broaden my horizon by studying Business Administration where I hold a Master's degree. That enabled me to work in a major strategy consultancy as well as a bank. While learning, that I enjoy development more than these fields, the time in this sector greatly improved my overall experience and skills.
Experience as Instructor
As a self-taught professional I really know the hard parts and the difficult topics when learning new or improving on already-known languages. This background and experience enables me to focus on the most relevant key concepts and topics. My track record of many 5-star rated courses, more than 700,000 students on Udemy as well as a successful YouTube cha