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Overall Score : 0 / 100
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Course Description
C++ for Programmers is designed for students who are familiar with a programming language and wish to learn C++.
This course focuses on 'how' as opposed to 'what'. For example, in the lesson on functions, we do not teach what a function is, but rather how to create a function in C++.
The lessons are taught by several different instructors who have used C++ in their professional careers, so students get to experience different perspectives.
The course also includes comments and tips from Bjarne Stroustrup - the original designer of C++.
This course focuses on 'how' as opposed to 'what'. For example, in the lesson on functions, we do not teach what a function is, but rather how to create a function in C++.
The lessons are taught by several different instructors who have used C++ in their professional careers, so students get to experience different perspectives.
The course also includes comments and tips from Bjarne Stroustrup - the original designer of C++.