Introduction to HTML5
CodeAcademy offers this introductory course for anyone who wants to dip their toes into the vast ocean that is web design. It focuses on the absolute fundamentals, like structure, tables and forms. The course is nine hours long, and it has zero prerequisites. For a first foray into web design, this is a good place to start.
Produced in 2016
Quality Score
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Qualified Instructor
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Course Depth & Coverage
Overall Score : 72 / 100
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Course Description
Why Learn HTML?
HTML is the foundation of all web pages. Without HTML, you wouldn't be able to organize text or add images or videos to your web pages. HTML is the beginning of everything you need to know to create engaging web pages!
Take-Away Skills
You will learn all the common HTML tags used to structure HTML pages, the skeleton of all websites. You will also be able to create HTML tables to present tabular data efficiently.
HTML is the foundation of all web pages. Without HTML, you wouldn't be able to organize text or add images or videos to your web pages. HTML is the beginning of everything you need to know to create engaging web pages!
Take-Away Skills
You will learn all the common HTML tags used to structure HTML pages, the skeleton of all websites. You will also be able to create HTML tables to present tabular data efficiently.