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Google's Machine Learning Crash Course
Taught by Google experts, this free, concise, and highly interactive course will give you a basic understanding of Machine Learning concepts. Learn and practice at your own pace, using TensorFlow APIs.
Produced in 2018
What you will learn
- Identify dog breeds or flower types with multi-class classification
- Application of Machine Learning in real world scenarios
- Train neural networks with backpropagation algorithm
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning
- Understand how to create tensors in TensorFlow
- Difference between classification and regression
- Get the hang of how to use and train embeddings
- Components of the Machine Learning systems
- Much, Much more!
Quality Score
Content Quality
Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage
Overall Score : 76 / 100
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Course Description
machine learning Awards Best Short Course
A self-study guide for aspiring machine learning practitioners. Machine Learning Crash Course features a series of lessons with video lectures, real-world case studies, and hands-on practice exercises.
- The course is taught by Google engineers and researchers, experts in the field of Machine Learning.
- Short and sweet course but with relevant curriculum for complete beginners.
- Interactive quizzes, programming and playground exercises.
- The only framework for building ML models presented in the course is TensorFlow.
- Vague explanations of Machine Learning concepts make some of the exercises too difficult for students.