Kelly Murphy

SEO Expert And Digital Marketer, With Experience Working With Top Fortune 500 Companies

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Instructor Bio

As a marketer and writer, Kelly Murphys decade of digital marketing and advertising experience spans strategy and insights, data, product, and omnichannel marketing with a focus on SEO and website optimization. She has led SEO teams at a range of companies, from small performance agencies like Acceleration partners to Big Four holding companies like Publicis Groupe. She partners with leaders at Fortune 500 companies (P&G, HPE, LOreal, Marc Jacobs) to accelerate digital performance and ultimately accelerate business growth. As an English grad of Penn States Schreyer Honors College, Kellys affinity for marketing and content is rooted in writing. Being an author, she spent her in-house years working in book publishing at Penguin and published her own YA book, "Historical Heartthrobs: 50 Timeless Crushes from Cleopatra to Camus," in 2013. Her work can be found more recently in magazines like American Craft and in poetry and art shows like 2017s group show, Muscle Memory."

Kelly Murphy's Core Subjects

  • seo