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Full Stack React Native with Hooks: From Beginner to Expert (Udemy.com)
Build iOS and Android apps with React Native, Redux, MongoDB, Node and the new state management system Hooks!
Created by: Geek Mode
Produced in 2022
What you will learn
- Master the fundamentals of React Native and Redux
- Build beautiful applications
- Build Higher Order components
- Create a MongoDB database using Mongo Atlas
- Create Express web server
- Create and use custom API's
- Deploy Api on Heroku
- Learn how to Authenticate users using Mongo database
Quality Score
Content Quality
Video Quality
Qualified Instructor
Course Pace
Course Depth & Coverage
Overall Score : 96 / 100
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Course Description
This course teaches full-stack mobile development. Students will learn the basics of React Native & Redux, create a Database using Mongo Atlas and build a Node.js API.
What you will learn
Who this course is for:
What you will learn
- React Native fundamentals
- Redux
- MongoDB
- Heroku
- Node.js
- Express
- Authentication
- User Sessions
- How to use public API's
- How to build and host an API
- Must a MacBook or Windows PC
- Some familiarity with JavaScript would help but is not needed
- Interest in mobile development
- Anyone looking for a career change
- Grad graduates looking to add skills to their resume
- People who want to learn mobile development
- Aspiring full-stack developers
Who this course is for:
- Students that are interest or looking to improve their skills in React Native.
- Students who want to learn Redux
- Students that want to learn Node and create Express webservers
- Students that want to create API's
- Students who want to understand mobile development
Instructor Details
- 4.8 Rating
- 4 Reviews
Geek Mode
Hi, my name is Darron Brown. I have a Masters in Information Systems from the University of Utah and I currently work as a Lead Mobile Full Stack Developer. I have experience with React, React Native, MongoDB, Sequealize, Node.js, Express, Angular and many more. I have a passion for software development and I consistently look for new ways to improve.