Demystifying Bitwise Operations In C (
Important and Common Uses of Lower Level Operations in C and C++
Created by: Bhalchandra Gholkar
Produced in 2018
What you will learn
- You will learn how to write useful programs or routines using bitwise opperations.
- Write an application or functions that can be used in testing your programs
- You will write an application to convert Decimal values into binary,
- Write Application to convert Binary to Decimal
- Write an Application to convert Decimal to Hex
- You will become confident enough to face a college viva or company interview
Quality Score
Overall Score : 94 / 100
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Course Description
This course is an additional course to our "Demystifying Object Oriented Programming with C++" and "C programming language demystified". If you have not completed the C programming Demystified course, I recommend that you complete it or maybe take them at the same time.This course is essential in understanding the lower level operators in the C and C++ language. Having an understanding of these concepts will help you to be a better programmer by learning the how and why these features are used in the programs we write each day.
We will write small utility applications that will convert Decimal to Binary, Binary to Decimal, Decimal to Hex and more. In the section 2 we are going to add minimum 7 videos of applications of bit-wise operators at periodic intervalsWho this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to write programs but not familiar with the "Binary Number System"
- If you don't understand the use of Bit-Wise operations and where they are used in everyday programs.
- Anyone who is interested in going into micro controllers should find this course useful
- If you think that low level bit operations are not needed.
Instructor Details

- 4.7 Rating
11 Reviews
Bhalchandra Gholkar
Post graduate Engineer... Computer Programming language trainer for last 15 years... Passionate about teaching and have taught personally over 3500 students. Currently my team is developing unique methodology for teaching programming language to the masses at lowest possible price. My team has tried to develop absolutely out of the box e-learning contents similar to Crafting a diamond.... for those who want to understand language concepts... I studied electronics as an Electronic Engineering Technologist at DeVry University. In working in the Audio Video and consumer electronics field since 1994, I have written and used C and C++ programs for work and to help automate every day computer tasks from stock trading applications to Graphical, Standard Deviation calculators. It is a pleasure to help others in topics that I have already spent so much time learning. For over the last 20 years I have been continually updating and practicing C and C+ programming skills.
I hope you enjoy the course.