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The Complete NodeJS Course: Build a Full Business Rating App (Udemy.com)
Go from Beginner to Advanced by using Node.js, MongoDB, Express and Mongoose to build web applications!
Created by: Uzochukwu Eddie Odozi
Produced in 2017
What you will learn
- Build a web app with Node.js and Express
- Use Mongoose to create schemas
- Learn about some NPM modules
- Send emails from Node.js application using nodemailer
- Implement user authentication with passport
- Use Passport to add Facebook login to Node application
- Implement password reset functionality inside the Node application
- Add custom validations with express-validator module
- Use a templating engine called EJS and EJS-Mate
- Build rating and reviews functionality inside the application
- Add a custom private messaging functionality with jQuery
- Add Leaderboard and search functionality
- Create custom remember me login functionality
Quality Score
Overall Score : 86 / 100
Live Chat with CourseDuck's Co-Founder for Help
Course Description
If you are looking to improve your current skills in Node.js or switch over to Node.js, this course is perfect for you!
You will learn to use:
Express.js as the framework to build this Node.js application
MongoDB as a noSQL database to store data
Mongoose as an object modelling tool for Node.js
Node.js package ecosystem to install modules required for building the application
This course is perfect taking your Node.js skills from Beginner to Advanced as you learn step by step how to build a complete Business rating web application. This application is an employee to business app (Or we can say as well it is a business to business rating app) where an employee of a company (or another company) rates a business based on experience with the company's business dealings.
You will learn how to build the app from start to finish.
If for any reason I am wrong, you have 30 days to ask Udemy for a refund. So the only thing you risk is your time!
Thank you very much for reading all of this! I hope to see you as a student in the course when we next meet!
Who this course is for:
- Anyone with a passionate and enthusiastic mindset to learn
- Anyone wanting to train in back-end development
- Back-end developers wanting to increase their skills and knowledge
Instructor Details
- 4.3 Rating
- 100 Reviews
Uzochukwu Eddie Odozi
Hi, i am Uzochukwu Eddie Odozi. I am a software developer who has interest in web and game development. I have a bachelors in Mathematics and an M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Tallinn University of Technology.
I enjoy working with Angular, Ionic, Unity as well as nodejs. I enjoy coding a lot.
I have had many success and failures in web development and all those has contributed to where I am today.Hey guys! My name is Suppoman, your Superhero Instructor on Udemy.
I live in the UK with my 11 year old son Harry. I started building my own brand in 2014, with zero audience and basic skills, and now I am a Cryptocurrency & Social Media Guru with nearly 1 million followers.
I will teach you in a simple and entertaining way. To me, learning should be easy to comprehend no matter what skill level you are at, and you should have fun doing it.
What ever I teach, I have already mastered, and I pass my knowledge on to you. You will be taken through walkthrough tutorials that are super easy to copy and implement. You won't just see slides and theory and be left wondering how to do it.
My subject areas are:
Cryptocurrency - How to build your retirement fund with Cryptocurrency long-term investing & short-term trading, ICO investing, technical analysis and keep it safe in a Cryptocurrency wallet!
Social Media Marketing - I have approximately 700,000+